Chapter 4

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"Bellamy?" I repeat.

The boy walks over and somehow manages to spill even more coffee on his forearms. As he comes closer I get a better look at him. He has skin so pale he must stay inside for days on end, yet looks athletic. His hair is a chocolate color I'm jealous of, and messy like he rolled out of bed and came right here making no stops.

He places the coffee down on the table and sits next to Cruk. When we were sat by the waitress there was just enough room for two people on either side of the booth to sit comfortably. Now, opposite Gamie and I sits Ophelia, Cruk, and the boy. In that order. Opheila does not look like she likes the new seating arrangement.

"This is Jake Bellamy." Cruk tells me while pointing his thumb at the boy.

"It's Jack actually." Jack intervenes.

I met Jack's mutual gaze and nodded.

"He is a student at the University and is part of a co-op program. He is my shadow for the duration of his term."

I interrupt him. "Sir, I don't know where my parents are. You are just wasting everybody's time. Including your own. So, if you could please just let us enjoy the remainder of our now cold waffles, that would be great. Thanks."

"If you are not willing to cooperate then I have no choice other than to station Jace to 'watch over you until you reveal something of importance'." He says with his fingers making fake quotations in the air."

"You cannot possibly do that. We will call the police for harassment." Gamie interjects.

Cruk smirks. "I am the police."

Ophelia waves her hands in the air. "What did I tell you? The system is corrupt!"

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that I saw Jack wince slightly.

The ends of Cruk's lips curve into a malicious grin. "You're not wrong."

"Could you please give us a moment to consider your offer then?" Asks Ophelia, as pristine as ever.

"It's not an offer, but whatever." Grumbles Inspector Cruk.

He motions for Jack to move out of the booth with a flick of his wrist. Jack climbs out and they go to stand next to the carved wooden coat rack. It seems like they are partaking in an intense conversation. Jack turns his head and we share a look.

Meanwhile, Gamie and Ophelia are debating on what to do. We can't really do anything though. It's like he has us wrapped around his little finger.

"It won't be a big deal. He seems like a nice boy." Gamie attempts to assure me.

"Of course, he will not be allowed in the penthouse." Ophelia actually reassures me with this statement.

I frown and say nothing.

Ophelia beckons Cruk and Jack over like they are her personal staff.

Cruk raises his eyebrows in question to what we have decided.

Gamie tells them what has been established while they were over in their little huddle.

"One, he will not come into the penthouse unless invited. Two, if he disrespects Fray in any way we will report you both. Three, there will be no looking on our phones, laptops, emails, personal devices, etc."

Jack looks at Cruk and he nods. Cruk looks as though he is contemplating whether to agree or not. He has to though, and I think he knows it.

"Fine. But no funny business". The command is directed at me.

'Whatever do you mean?" I ask blinking innocently.

He ignores me.

"Jonah will be at your door tomorrow morning bright and early. Do not try to lose him on purpose. If you do, you will be seen as suspicious and will be restrained for a period of time until proven not guilty.

I just pinched my lips together tightly in response.

"Well, Jacob, we better get going." Cruk instructs.

Jack tips an imaginary top hat to me and smiles before he gets up. I just stare blankly at him.

The next morning I temporarily forget about what happened to Lam, Cruk, Jack, and my parents.

The first thing I see when I wake is the gaudy teal and black combo Gammie designed for the guest room when I was six. At the time she claimed that it 'reminded her of a high tide on a low day'. Whatever that means.

I slide out of the black and white striped comforter. It's not until I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror do I recall all the events that took place the day before.

I head to the kitchen to grab some breakfast to find Ophelia at the island stirring three bowls of oatmeal. At the same time. There are times that Ophelia inspires me, and other times that she scares me.

She slides me a bowl.

"Fray, dear, I know that you are still in shock, but I think that if you know where your parents are then you should assist the police."

I'm kind of surprised. I thought she was standing up for me at the diner with Cruk. Does she think I was lying?

She must have read my facial expressions like words on a page, because the next thing that comes out of her mouth is, "Not that I think you were not being honest of course, but you must have some way to contact your parents?"

"No, sorry." I say.

"Okay, well, I'm still somewhat nervous that you might be a prime suspect. Maybe you could go visit Lam in the hospital and say some nice things to him in front of a nurse or a doctor?"

I open my mouth to say 'no way', but it might actually be a good idea. I mean it could work. But it also works both ways, if I did poison him, I could very well be saying nice things to him just to be less suspicious, or to be passive aggressive, but it would probably put me off the 'list of potential murderers' for a while. Maybe then I would be able to go places without that brunette on my tail.

I thank her for the oatmeal and proceed to go get dressed and wash my face of sleep.

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