the familiar man by the lake

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10 years later

George was now a 24 year old man who knows a lot more then he did when he knew Clay and has almost completely forgot about him although he still lives in England, he lives by himself and does Youtube for a living.

One day he was walking from the library on a cold winter evening in England when he saw a tall blond stranger sitting by the ice water. George was intrigued and decided to approach the blond man.

The man saw George approach him "hi" said the blond "hello?" George said not really wanting to start up a conversation in the freezing cold, he just wanted to know what the man was doing and leave.

"If you don't mind me asking why are you just standing in the cold and looking at the water?" George asked in a hurry british accent thick as ever

"Well if I tell you, you have to believe that I'm not a stalker, ok?" The blond said as he spoke George realized more and more that he was just a visitor from America with no accent George was just to caught up in trying to figure out what he was doing to notice but this man seemed familiar in a way.

"Sure, yeah I promise." The blond nodded and continued "I saw you in the library about- hm- two, three weeks ago and we talked a bit and I kept coming back but I never saw you again but then I saw you yesterday and tried to talk to you again but missed the opportunity and accidentally followed you home-" George stopped him "wait- you followed me home?!" "Yes, only on accident though, I thought you were going to a store, I apologise" George was now creeped out, uncomfortable, and cold, but also some how intrigued that the blond wanted to talk to him again after one small talk for three weeks.

"Continue" the colorblind brit said a bit mad at the following him home part "and I came back today and saw you there and since I accidentally followed you yesterday I knew which way you took and hoped for the best and well here we are now" the blond ended with a chuckle.

George was so curious as to why this man wanted to talk to him after three weeks and a minimal conversation and why his presence felt.. comforting.

"So looks like you got what you wanted, why did you want to talk to me after so long?" George hesitantly asked and the tall blond wheezed a bit at that "I wanted to talk to you again because I enjoyed our short conversation and wanted to get to know you better" the man said with a smile and a slight laugh

George blushed a bit at the stranger
"oh- well why don't we start over then?" George replied awkwardly, the tall man chuckled a bit more but agreed "I'm Clay but most people call me Dream" the blond said holding his hand out "George" George said taking his hand.

we met in the cold ~dnf~Where stories live. Discover now