Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Finale

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"You came." Aerith's voice was soft and contained the slightest amount of hope as Cloud silently closed the distance between them, buster sword held over his shoulder and face passive.

The flower girl stood gracefully beneath the Shinra monument, her long braid swaying in the slight breeze while her green eyes held only warmth for the SOLDIER who came to a stop a few feet away from her. Her princess guard staff seemed to twinkle in the small amount of light that penetrated the storm clouds above. She held it by her side, flowers blossoming around her feet and giving her an angelic look. Her pink clothes were immaculate, barely any dirt marks or rips, showing just how little she had actually fought in the games. It made Cloud slightly sick, if he was being honest, when he compared it to Yuna's bloody, worn out dirty outfit.

"You came alone," Aerith continued on when he said nothing, taking a step towards him as a smile graced her features. "I'm so glad you're unharmed."

As she took another step, he drew his sword pointing it out towards her. Hurt flashed briefly in her grassy eyes but it was hidden quickly, replaced by slight confusion. "I didn't come here to join you," he said in a low calm voice.

"What?" she asked in confusion, her brows deepening slightly as another wave of hurt travelled through her features. "But, Cloud, we're from the same sector, we need to work as a team to win these games for the Capitol-"

"The Capitol have enough riches to last them a lifetime," Cloud cut her off passively. "Other sectors need the money more than us."

"Even so..." she moved towards him, her eyes pleading with his. "You knew me before you knew her, we were supposed to be a team and I was hoping that maybe we could be... more."

"How is that going to happen? There can only be one Victor," he pointed out indifferently.

"President Sephiroth would let us live if he knew that we were both devoted to protecting the Capitol together," she explained dreamily. "He told me before we entered the games that if I did everything he asked of me, he would grant me my wish for us both to survive, we could be the first two Victors of the Fantasy Games."

"You're deluded if you think he's going to let us both live," he replied dubiously.

"He will, Cloud," she spoke sincerely and he could tell by the look of truth in her eyes that she believed fully in every word she said. "We could be the Cetra and the SOLDIER of the Capitol, a team of two who could be the next face of power. We could protect the earth and everyone on it, if you just lower your sword."

"I don't want that though," he said firmly, his grip never loosening in his sword. "I don't want that kind of future with you-"

"You'll never have it with her either," Aerith interrupted him, a slight quiver in her voice.

His throat felt strangely dry as she spoke and he swallowed hard with an accepting nod. "That may be so but," he paused, his grip tightening on his sword, "I'd rather keep her safe than abandon her just because of these games. I'm sorry Aerith, but my mind's made up."

"I see..." She murmured slowly, taking a step back from him, her eyes no longer joyful but holding regret. "I'm sorry too Cloud, but I must protect Jenova, it is my duty as a Cetra."

No other words were spoken between them. Cloud braced himself, shifting his grip and getting ready to end the flower girl quickly so there would be no pain or suffering but he was thrown off balance as the ground rumbled beneath him. Jumping backwards, he merely watched with wide eyes as vines sprouted from the ground, ready to snatch him up. He was one step ahead though, shooting a fire spell at them and incinerating the green nuisances on the spot. The wind generated from the explosion quickly cleared the mist of dirt that had obscured his vision, only to find rocks hurtling at him with speed.

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