of course it is -[three.five]

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"You'll have the Kingsguard, and the Dora Milaje have been alerted." T'Challa nodded at Okoye's confirmation.

"And the Border Tribe?"

"Those that are left."

"Send word to Jabari as well. M'Baku likes a good fight."

"And what of these two?" A pause from T'Challa, who was collecting his thoughts.

"These two might be tired of war..." In their line of vision, shows Bucky throwing a bag into a pile, where Kian stood, making sure it fit into the partly filled cart, catching the ones that weren't going to make its destination.

"But the White Wolf and Flint Python have rested long enough." The party reaches the pair of old friends, who look at each-other skeptically. A case it set down on top of the cart, opened the lid and the Kingsguards-man steps back. Bucky walks over to Kian, slinging his arm around her torso as she moves one up around his neck, the other clutching the arm on the right-side of her waist.

They hobbled over to the two cases that were opened and Kian's mood visibly darkened at the sight of the new prosthetics. Okoye grew stiffer around the tensed solider, as Bucky twisted his head to face Kian, she did the same, then they gazed back at the group, exhaustion and resignation shining in their iceberg eyes.

- "Where's the fight?"

- "где война? Where's the war?"

"On its way." In a thick, Russian accent, Kian spoke in her rare spouts of English.

"'Course, it is."


Kian laid down on the medical table in Shuri's lab, her nerves clawing at horrid memories.

"Just relax, Miss Mentallia." Despite being made up of 70% metal, the whirring of the technology added to the vibrations she felt coming up her biotic limb, to her flesh. Shuri gently walked up into her line of vision, going to stick the needle filled with morphine into her arm, Bucky jumped in before Kian very well snapped the scientists' wrist in half. Shuri stumbled at the quick motions of the two and she softened her gaze to the woman,

"It's just morphine, Miss Mentallia. It will reduce any pain you might feel." Kian's eyes darkened, to cover up the fact she was frightened. Bucky caught her attention and spoke to her what Shuri just said.

"Это просто морфин, Mentallia. Это уменьшит боль вы можете чувствовать."

"It will make the pain go away, Soldat." The needle inched into her skin and her body twitched. This was no sedative.

The electricity hit her skull seconds later, the heart-wrenching screams bounced off the walls and hit the un-amused agents in their wicked, blank faces. Tears filed down her cheekbones as she tried struggling to get out, even knowing it was impossible due to the leather bands around her arms, torso, neck and ankles. She could feel her top teeth clashed with the bottom row through the mouth-guard, her mind was fried away, what bits of it were left---

"Kian." Snapping her head to look at the stern voice, she prepared herself. His eyes were gentle,

"это нормально, она вам помогает. Я не позволю никому причинить вам вред. It's ok. She's helping you, I won't let anyone hurt you." He offered his hand to her and she reluctantly took it, staring at the ceiling seconds later as Shuri injected the morphine into her system. Due to the SSS in her system, the dosage was for more than a normal human.

Kian was shocked to actually be medically numb and buzzing around the edges of the limbs attached to her. Her eyes shifted from above to her side, leering at the other Super Solider next to her, studying his new vibranium arm, he looked happier with the deep graphite and gold metal rather than the cloud color with the haunting scarlet star stuck to it. The woman was unfortunately, still with the lead colored arms, fitted to perfection accompanied by the bright red snake outline and sangria crown on ankle of the leg.

Her mind fizzed with bad memories sprinkled with the gentle moments with Bucky as the new limb made its way to be apart of her destroyed body.   

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