One day I came home and found Corpsies all over the floor and I freaked out, but what was even freaker was my mom walked out and she was a vampire and then my dad walked out covered in fur with fangs like a wolf has and I ran out screaming,"My is a vam...p...ire and my d...a...d is a w..a...r...e...w...o...l...f...e!"
I ran to my boyfriends house and when I walked in he had another girl in his bed nude and he was the same way next to her I started screaming," You lieing Son of a B**** you said you loved me and I was the only girl for you. You are going to Hell for what your doing right now!"
I ran out of his house and he was close behind and when he grabed my arm I bite his neck because I was also a vampire and now he is to and we can be together for ever, but just a minute after that I started wanting raw meat and i got it of course it was a huge buck and it did taste good.
I felt bad when he bite the girl he was sleeping with. The next morning I went to visit him and he had his parents in his mouth drinking their blood and he said," Want some they taste very good." of course I said yes I love any one you have already bite because you got the worst part of the blood.