Chapter 4

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Jay'niya pov;
They both left me alone in my room I mean I don't know what they expected me to do I'm a teenager I make mistakes and now I'm pregnant...BUT OH WELL IT WAS MY DECISION LET ME DEAL WITH MY OWN DAMN CONSEQUENCES!!! I still haven't told Rodney I have been avoiding him and he knows it he calls and texts me none stop.

"MIKAYA COME DOWNSTAIRS QUICK!!!" I ran downstairs too see Chris and August with their guns pointed at Rodney while jazzy was standing between the 3 I walked up too them and stood beside jazzy

"PUT YOUR GUNS DOWN" I said raising my voice a little

"Nah we good this nigga think he man enough to knock up my little sister KNOWING she is MY little sister then came walking in here acting like nothing is wrong" "He doesn't know!!"
"Jay man what the hell are they talking about" Rodney said turning me to face him
"Rodney I need to talk to you" I turned and looked at everybody then back at Rodney "in private in my room" "HELL NO YALL NOT GOING UPSTAIRS IN YOUR ROOM ALONE" "YES we are Christopher" he kissed his teeth then him and August put their guns down and moved so we could get to the stairs "c'mon baby" when we got upstairs I locked my door then we both layed on my bed while I put my head on Rodney's chest I took a breath then started talking "baby remember that day in the car" "yeah baby what about it" "well a couple of weeks after that I went to the doctor and he told me that im pregnant" "baby are you serious" "as a heart attack" "BABY THATS GREAT!!!" "Really?" "Yeah" "wow I didn't know that,that would be your reaction" "what did you think I was going to say" "I don't know I thought that you would be one of thoughts fathers that don't claim their kids that's the main reason I didn't wanna tell you...i didn't want to lose you" "well your not baby I love you way too much" "aww babe thank you now you just have too tell all of that too Christopher" "yeah I was kinda scared even I came into the house and they had guns pointed at me immediately" I say up "yeah I know" "baby how far along are you?" "3 months" he sat up too "babe you kept this from me for three months" "like I said baby I was scared to tell you" "well if I'm right then when you are going to find out the gender" "in 2 more weeks babe" "alright well come on we gotta go talk to your brother" "do we have too" "yes because I don't want to be coming over here too see you and have guns pointed at me" "ok"

Welp she is pregnant...I typed this whole chapter without looking at the screen half the time I am very proud of myself


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