Truth or dare, but it's just Mitsukou

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[Art credits to @kayp7y on Instagram]

*Kou and Yashiro decided to stay overnight in the bathroom with Hanako, Mitsuba joined them. It is currently 11:30 PM*

Hanako, clinging to Yashiro with a smirk on his face: Soooo guys, we should play truth or dare.

Mitsuba, crossing his arms and frowning: Why would I play a game like that, it's so childish

Yashiro, squirming out of Hanako's grasp and smiling excitedly: It'll be fun! We get to find out each other's secrets and make people do stuff!

Mitsuba: that's so stu-

Kou, with visibly sparkly eyes: c'mon Mitsuba! Let's do it!

Hanako, grinning as he hovers in the air: looks like you're outnumbered kid, sorry

Mitsuba, sitting down and pouting: well fine then, but I'm sure all Lame-ass earring wants to do is ask me perverted questions

Kou, now also pouting: I'm telling you, that's not what I want!

Nene, completely ignoring them: let's start then!

Hanako: I'm going to be the one to ask first

*everyone looks visibly concerned by this*

Hanako, surveying them and smirking maliciously: Alrighty then. Boy, truth or dare.

Kou, not even thinking: Dare!

Hanako, trying not to laugh: Are you sure?

Kou, looking confused: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Yashiro, looking at Hanako nervously: You should be careful Kou-kun, Hanako-kun can be scary

Kou: I don't care! I can exorcise him anytime so I'll be fine senpai.

Mitsuba, looking disinterested: This is getting boring already, just tell him what to do before I fall asleep.

Hanako: Sure, if that's what you want.

*Hanako points at Mitsuba and chuckles*

Hanako: Kid, I dare you to kiss him on the cheek, and if you don't then I'll move it to the lips.

*Yashiro gasps*

*Kou looks blankly at Hanako*

Mitsuba, completely flustered with a red face: Wha- wh- YOU PERVERT, n-no! ABSOLUTELY NOT! Never! How dare you!

Kou, slightly blushing now and looking the other way: Why would you even dare that?

Hanako, shrugging and smiling playfully: Dunno! I just felt like it

Mitsuba, glaring fiercely with red ears: Well it doesn't matter, 'CAUSE IT'S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN

Hanako, teasing Mitsuba: Awe if you wanted to kiss Kou on the lips instead you shoulda just said so!


Kou, laying on the ground in agony from the insults: O-Ow, Mitsuba wasn't that a little much?

Mitsuba, still shouting: NO

Yashiro, looking between Kou and Mitsuba thinking: This is really getting out of hand, isn't it

Kou, slowly getting off the ground and blushing the tiniest bit: Well, I still have to do the dare Mitsuba, unless you really do want to kiss me

Mitsuba, covering his face in his hands: I mean it's just a dare, you don't have to do it, you can just say no....

Kou, looking back at Hanako who was smiling deviously: You realize this is Hanako we're talking about

Mitsuba, glaring at Hanako: Right.....

Yashiro, speaking up for the fourth time since the whole thing started: It can't be that bad you two! It's just on the cheek!

Mitsuba, looking at Nene with a startled expression: Oh Daikon-senpai, I forgot you were here.

*Nene then goes and cries in the corner*

Kou, briefly looking at Yashiro with concern before turning back to Mitsuba: Senpai's right y'know, it can't be that bad

Mitsuba, turing his glare to Kou: You really are an idiot, you know.

Kou: Yeah whatever, I just want to get this over with....

Mitsuba, now blushing again: Fine! Come here, but remember that it's ONLY on the cheek, so don't let any perverted thoughts into that head of yours.

Kou, walking over to the pink-haired ghost: I won't! I promise okay!?

*Kou gently cups his face and turns it so he has a better angle, Yashiro and Hanako are watching intently from across the room. Right before Kou's lips met his cheek, a particularly evil brown-haired mystery rushes over to them while laughing and pushes their faces together, resulting in their lips meeting. Mitsuba immediately freaks out while Kou just looked shocked.*

Kou, pushing Mitsuba away with his ears burning: Wh-what the hell Hanako!!

Yashiro, retreating from the corner and looking at Hanako in distress: Why did you do that Hanako-kun!? Kou-kun was about to kiss Mitsuba-kun's cheek like you asked!

Hanako, laughing his ass off on the ground and trying to breathe: Pfft, just look at your ghost friend, boy, doesn't he look happy?

*Kou and Yashiro both turned to look over at Mituba. He was lying on the ground speechless with spinning eyes, his face was the same color as his hair and steam was coming from his ears.*

Yashiro, running over to Mitsuba and looking worried: Oh no! Mitsuba-kun, are you okay??! Stupid Hanako-kun, look what you did to him!


*They ended up having to cut the game short to revive Mitsuba. Well it was mostly just Yashiro because Kou was too busy recovering from the kiss and Hanako found it too funny to help. In the end Nene complained to Hanako and Mitsuba and Kou tried to forget like it ever happened*

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