An announcement. (A grateful goodbye)

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Hello, reader! 

This has sadly come to an end. 

I made this about a year ago, and it holds many old (yet cherished) art works of mine. Although it is crappy, I will leave this open to the public because it is filled to the brim with my old art, and hopefully, maybe, some young, inspiring artists stumbles upon this and sees all of my admittedly questionable creations. So they will have a hope in their heart that perhaps, they will get better. I know I did! 

Speaking of which, sooner or later, I will make a new art book and put all of my new pieces inside. Lovely, right? 

I have grown so much in the short amount of time in which I have made this, and now. And although many things that I post barely get seen, I am glad I am able to reach even a small audience. 

If you have read this far, then thank you. It means the most to me that someone bothered to look through this! 

However, to keep things short, I must bid you Adieu. So, until next time! 

—-Autumn <3

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