I wrote back to him.

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You sat at your dining table later that night with a quill between your fingers and a want to make George cry.

"Dear George

Do not even get any ideas from this letter alright. I'm only writing to your for one reason and that reason only. If I ever relapse Charlie gets another letter from you like the previous one I will personally rip your head off. We are never going to work out our issues George.

I am a human with free will and I will choose who I want to spend the rest of my life with and possibly have a family with. Charlie will make a better father that you ever will and I hope you realize this. If someone stuck you with a kid by yourself for a few hours it would probably turn up dead the next day.

If I ever come to the realization I want children I certainly will make sure you have nothing to do with it's life, not even as an uncle. First of all whether I want to have kids ever or not is no longer any of your business neither is who I want to have them with.

It's very unlikely that I will ever have kids and you know this because I once trusted you with that secret. If I was ever given the choice to have one kid with Charlie or multiple with you or even no kids with Charlie I would still pick Charlie. I love him more than I love my most prized possession and we've been together for less time than we were.

Charlie Was deeply hurt by your letter and I just thought you should know that. No one is lying to anyone about what we want. Charlie had told me he doesn't necessarily want kids and I'm fine with that. For you to assume there is trouble in our relationship just because you want me back is disgusting.


P.s maybe stop seeking love advice from Severus snape."

You woke up in the morning to Charlie standing above you.

"Bloody hell Charlie."

"I'm sorry but your slept in and I didn't want you to get in trouble for not being at work. Why are you sleeping at a desk?"

"Oh I'm sorry I was writing a very hateful letter to George and had the owl send it out very late. Hopefully he will stop bothering us."

"What did you say in the letter?"

What were you supposed to answer this with. A lot of the letter was a tangent on how Charlie would be a incredible father and it was a little early in the relationship to be bringing this up.

"Nothing much just a lot of cruel hatred towards him spat onto a page." You smiled and he laughed.

"You better get ready. I'll stall for you for a little bit bit I'm not so sure you can go unnoticed."

"Life saver. Thank you." You said getting up and entering the bathroom. You hear a crack that was caused by Charlie's apparating and got in the shower.

You quickly got ready and through on clothiers apparating to work instead of your usual walk.

"I think the dragons knew you were gone before the people so I think your safe." Charlie said as you entered the building.

You and Charlie worked with the dragons until the day ended but before the two do you were able to leave a letter was brought to you.

"Well shit." You said

"What's up?"

"Nothing just my mom sending me a letter." You replied ripping open the letter.

"Dear y/n

Hello daughter. I'm writing to you today because work on the magic street is that you and that joke shop owner broke up. I imagine your feeling quite sad about it (you always liked the gingers). If you don't come over by your own free will to visit then I will personally come and drag you home from wherever you are because your old home is now on the market. Where are you living now?


"Well what does it say?"

"Well she fist of all heard me and George broke up. She is threatening to drag me to her house if I don't come by my own free will and have me talk to her about my "heartbreak" and knows that I moved. I'm going to have to head out tommrow and spend my weekend there for a day."

"Take me with you?"


"Take me with you. I can meet your mom and I assume your dad as well."

"Alright. I'm warning you they are a bit crazy though."

"That's alright."

You left work and packed up some essentials just in case your parents insisted on you staying a day. You were quite scared of what they would think of Charlie. Your mom was pretty skeptical of every guy you dated since she found out about your infertility. She only wanted the best for you but it was sometimes quite overbearing.

You wondered how she would react when another red headed boy accompanied you to the home and you hat weird questions she would ask him.

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