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I met my beloved when I was done in the hospital, but he didn't bring me from my nose.  He wanted to introduce him to his mother, the mistake left his friend Zeynep, soon the room would be there.  I wanted Zeynep to be because I am afraid of my nonsense or anything to Mert who hears this, I will not leave my lover alone, etc.

We finally stopped in front of the house.  No, I can not do it already hot.  As I hit the window, I turned my head to the right.  When did Baran get out of the car?  Open my door

I got angry when he said, "Honey, come on, I have been waiting for five minutes, don't worry, my mother won't eat you.  Ah ahh, let me introduce you to a father.

"Hahahaaa I'm funny, don't you see?"

"I know my beautiful. Come on, there is only one left in Abrar."

"Off okay"

Why are we waiting in front of the door now!  Baran would ring the bell, but I stopped it.  What is my dear, I do not feel ready, but I will show him, he even brought Zeynep without telling me.

He immediately rang the bell when he said, "I am a tree, beautiful, I cannot take it any longer."

I looked at Mrs. Seher, who opened the door with a smiling face.  His face did not fall off when he saw me.

"Welcome son" Baran looks at me and

"We found it nice, my mom said" pointing at me "

Mrs. Seher said "welcome to you, too" reluctantly.  The moon is as if I was very curious to come.

I was surprised when he called in and said that my daughter Zeynep was Ali Gil.  He said so kindly that I was not surprised, I guess his grudge was to me.

"Welcome," said Zeynep.

We were sitting and talking, or rather, Mrs. Seher was asking, we were answering who are we?  I'm Ebrarla.

"So my beautiful daughter, how are your family doing?"

He said, "Alhamdulillah they are good, sir."  I stopped listening to their speech and turned my harsh gaze to my UNIQUE lover.  When he saw my gaze, he started to look away.  When Zeynep said welcome, her mother said something in her ear and I was wondering about it.

When Zeynep's phone rang, she asked her permission and got up.  When Mrs. Seher said, "Is it an item?" I got angry, it seemed like she said this to annoy me, not to ask questions.

I just said "yes sir"

When you say, "How did this son of mine find you, so you are not at all kind", it is understood that he will make me mother-in-law.

I said, "It never felt like that, even though I refused, he was the one who chased me over and over again" something was muttering and all I heard was my stupid son.  He's not the only one. Why doesn't Baran ever get involved in the conversation? I don't understand him.  When he glared at him, he finally thought of talking, thank God.

"Oh my mother, oh your son was shot so badly that this girl is tired, my heart has lost her heart, once again, where did we fall?"  I turned my gaze to the man I love with a smile.  The room smiled at me.  Seher was the only one who was not happy.  Let me rewind, don't you have the type!

When Zeynep finished her speech and entered, she said, "Mert's job could not be prolonged."

Mrs. Seher had to interrupt her "Mert il ..." speech with the doorbell.

"Come on, Zeynep girl, go open the door, this girl will not open" I do not understand what this woman can not buy or give with me.  Zeynep said "okay" and went to open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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