11; trip

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[ suggestion: you can listen to "Forget Me Not" by ENHYPEN while reading this. ]

sooyoung's pov

Monday arrived quickly. The overnight trip is today. I'm excited because I lived in Jeju for 1 year when I was little. We're being told to sit on our assigned seat right now.

"Park sunghoon and Eun Sooyoung, seatmates." the trip coordinator announced. I heard as I made my way to my seat. I sat near the window.

20 minutes have passed and suddenly, I felt weight on my right shoulder. Sunghoon fell asleep so I let him lay his head on my shoulder until we reached the place.

Soon enough, we arrived at our first destination. The park our teacher was talking about. I woke Sunghoon up, he looks like he was in deep sleep.

I roamed around with yerin, minju and eunha. We took pictures and looked around, it's a beautiful park. It's beautiful in the sense of calming. Whenever I go to these kinds of places, it refreshes my mind and it reminds me to always stay optimistic even though I am so tired. It makes me heal and it makes me smile.

But where is sunghoon? The last time I saw sunghoon was when I woke him up. We parted ways because I went to my friend group and he probably went to his? I don't know.

"Where is she?" I heard from the back but i didn't mind.

sunghoon's pov.

I walked towards the small house we used to go to before we left each other.

"Are you perhaps Sunghoon?" An old man asked.


"A girl told me to gave this to you. She came here before. Months ago. " He handed something to me.

I opened the small package. It contains a letter, a ring, and a picture. There was also a dried blue petal. A forget me not's (myosotis sylvatica) petal, which symbolizes respect and true love. It is meant to symbolize a promise to keep someone in your thoughts. 

We weren't able to fulfill our promise, but at least we were able to keep each other in our thoughts. Even from afar.  Although I am not fond of broken promises, I liked this one because I was finally able to clear my mind a bit, even though it stings my heart a little. We can still bloom without each other, right? I'm gonna read the letter now.



Are you doing well? I'm doing very well Sunghoon. Don't worry about me anymore. Remember the time we promised each other that we'll be together when we grow up?
I'm sorry, Sunghoon. Let's forget about it okay? We were just kids back then. 

Parang hindi na rin naman natin kaya umuwi sa isa't isa, 'di ba? 
(translation: It's not like we can still go home to each other, right?  (home = find comfort)

By the way, do you remember when I told you my name is "Eunsoo"? That's not my name. It's just the nickname of a person I know, but I don't know where she is anymore. I just saw her before and asked for her nickname.
You probably don't remember my name anymore, right?

If you're having a hard time, stay strong and take care please. Holding onto our hopes of tomorrow. In our hearts, ワスレナグサ

- your childhood friend :)

[ last part of the letter is a line from enhypen's forget me not song ]

I read the letter. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. Turns out we both broke the promise we made to each other. Silly girl, did she actually think I'll forget her name?

Did she fall for someone else already? Like me?

Even though I like someone else now, I felt a bit hurt. Even though that promise existed only when we were kids, it felt like we could make it real. I haven't seen her in like a decade already but surely, she was someone special to me. Dearly special.

She gave me comfort and joy when we were kids, she also cheered me up but she left, she told me that they'll move to Seoul. She moved to Seoul 2 years before I did. She told me something before she left.

"What if we never see each other again?"

"Don't worry. if we're really for each other, then fate will find a way to connect us again." She smiled as she waved her hand saying her goodbyes to me.

That was our last meeting. We didn't see each other again after she left. I don't even know if I'll be happy once I meet her again. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling me from behind.


Sooyoung saw me while I was tearing up near a house, seated on a bench.

"What are you doing here? I've been looking for you for the past 10 minutes." She asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I just went here to get something." I patted her head and stood up, then the teacher called us and told us that it was time to go to the trip's site.

"Sunghoon, is this your ring?" She asked and I just nodded and kept it inside my pocket. She was probably wondering where this ring is from because I wasn't even wearing it awhile ago, but she didn't ask.

"Oh, a grandpa approached me and told me to give you this photo. It's a polaroid of a girl about our age." I smiled and mouthed 'thank you'  

"By the way, who is she?" she asked.

"She's just a childhood friend of mine." I replied. She nodded and let out a small smile.

After 25 minutes, we arrived at the location and fixed our things first before anything else. The teacher told us to gather and as soon as we finished settling down, we gathered outside. The teacher announced that we'll be playing games.

After the games, my classmates asked everyone if we were okay with playing the question game which we've been doing since before.

It's simple, we pass around a ball and whoever it lands on will be asked a question. The questions are basic and not too personal. Me and my classmates played it and the ball landed on others for the first 4 rounds.

jay's pov.

For the 5th round, the ball landed on me. Sunoo, my friend from the another grade level asked me the question.

"Do you like Eun Sooyoung?" he asked while I gave him a stare.

"yes," I said vaguely, without any expression.

They were shocked as Sunoo asked me another question.

"As a friend or-"

"His turn is done," said Park Sunghoon who just sat down.

> fast forward to the day of going back home

We had fun and now it's time to go back home. It was a fun trip and we enjoyed it.

"Announcement! we'll go back to the park we went to since it's our last day here. It will be our stopover." Our teacher announced.


lawl late update but thank u for reading my story. next chapter might be updated/published late cuz i have school alr. our sem-break is over so im back to being busy bcos of school

stay safe n take care ! <3

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