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"I do miss da way yo tongue felt on my dick." I heard as I slowly began to awake from my sleep.

"You look so fine right now." A girly and familiar voice said.

Peaking over I seen dat he was on da phone wit Tamara.

Tamara was introduced in chapter 13.

Getting up I ignored Taurus stare as I went into da bathroom locking the door.

I was just so over dis shït. I couldn't do this anymore. Yes I loved him wit everything in me but I can't keep getting treated like this.

He beat me, allowed me ta get raped, and he fucks other women right in front of me. Dat shit hurts it's hurts so bad!

I'm just done dats it dats all. Opening up his cabinet he has in his bathroom I found a razor.

I looked at it for a lil while before running da bath water. Once the bathtub filled I stepped into it not even bothering to take my clothes off.

Once I was situated I began to cut one line into my arm.

"Bae you taking a shower?" Taurus asked as he banged on da door.

Well duh nigga I know you heard da water running.

"Yea." I replied as I cried silently

"Alright I'll be back I'm finna go chill wit Tamara. And don't think you'll be able to leave I'll just find you if you do I love you." He said as he stepped away from the door.

"Ok." I said lowly.

Still crying I slit four more lines into my arm before putting the razor down.

Life before him was amazing. I had multiple people dat helped me with my sexual needs, I didn't have that many friends but I was ok wit dat. But he came in and ruined everything.

Our relationship was so good in the beginning. He catered to all of my needs and he actually loved me.

But now since he's been on dem drugs he's changed for the worst and I just can't be here anymore. He won't let me go and I love him to much to live without him. So I'm ending it.



Chanel had finally took her last breathe. Blood filled the bathtub as her lifeless body floated ontop of the water. She had been through a lot since Taurus walked into her life. They had good moments and definitely bad moments but, through it all Chanel still loved Taurus.

She neva stopped loving him even after her last breathe.

Meanwhile Taurus had just got finished getting his dick wet by Tamara. He was now walking into his house going up his steps.

Walking into his room he notice dat his bathroom door was still closed and dat he haven't seen da love of his life since he got back.

He twisted da knob of his bathroom door but it didn't budge.

"Chanel!" He screamed as he banged on the door.

"Chanel open the door!" He screamed.

Feeling like something was off he threw himself into da door multiple times until it eventually broke.

What he saw when he went into his bathroom made him have tears coming down his eyes.

The love of his life was lifeless floating in the bathtub.

"Chanel!" Taurus screamed as he ran to her.

"Wake up baby." He cried as he pulled her out of the tub.

He begin to give her mouth to mouth but that obviously just wasn't working. He then decided to take his shirt off rapping it around her arm to stop the blood from flowing.

"Chanel you can't leave me." He cried out as he pushed on her chest.

He knew this was all his fault if it wasn't for him snorting cocaine and shit she would probably still be here.

If he didn't beat the hell out of her any chance he got she would probably still be here.

If he was faithful and didn't embarrass her she would probably still be here.

If it wasn't for dat one stupid night out none of this would have happened.



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