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Valentin Fay Brans was born June 18th, 1980, and adopted on September 27th, 1980 by Sirius Black, who later changed her name to Valentin Fay Black. A month later on July 10th, 1980 Amara Rae Mitchell was born and adopted on October 29th, 1980 by Remus Lupin after Sirius talked him into it. They adopted both girls from family's where one of the parents was a witch or wizard and the other a muggle. Usually, the kids who were put here were put here because the muggle parent didn't want their child to be a witch or wizard. It was quite sad how many kids ended up there.
     -2 months later-
It had been 3 months since Valentin had been adopted and 2 months since Amara, and from the moment Remus brought Amara home she and Valentin had been inseparable. Valentin had started to try and say words but I was mostly gibberish and both girls had started to move around on their own a bit but Amara still preferred to be held.
      -5 months later-
Both girls had started to learn how to walk and to everyone's surprise, Amara was the first one to spit out any words and the first to take a step not folding on to anything but she would refuse to do something unless Valentin had it somewhat down as well. They had also come pretty close with Harry Potter over the past few months though they were in hiding so it made it a bit more difficult but they managed
     -1 month later-
June 18th it was Valentin's first birthday and Remus, Sirius, and James wanted to through a big but small party for her which they did and they had more fun than the kids did or at least Lily thought so because the children fell asleep halfway through the party.
     -1 month later-
It was now July 21 in between Amara and Harry's Birthday and James and Remus decided it would be a great idea to do the party's together so they could get less stuff, but sure enough, they ended up buying more stuff then they did for Valentin's birthday.
     -October 31st, 1981-
It was Halloween and Remus and Sirius took the girls trick or treating though it was mostly for them so they would have the candy. They got back to Remus's house and were getting the girls ready for bed, but something was off about Amara. She was acting differently, it was like she was scared of something but no one knew what. They had finally gotten to sleep, so they left the room to go eat the girl's candy when Amara started screaming. "UNCLE PRONGS." She yelled over and over again. By the time Remus and Sirius had made it to the room, Amara had already woken up Valentin. "You get Val and I got Mara," Remus started picking up Amara. After awhile Sirius had gotten Valentin to calm done and go back to sleep but Amara refused to go back to sleep she just kept saying uncle prongs. It was roughly an hour later and I had taken both Sirius and Remus to calm her down though she was still awake they could tell it wouldn't be long before she was asleep. A few minutes later her eyes started to close but not before she said something that horrified the 2 men. "He die" she whimpered before going into a deep sleep.
    The Next day was a horrific day. The 2 men hadn't been able to sleep due to Amara's outburst last night and the last word she said ringing in their ears "he die" on a loop in their heads. Then at approximately 10 o'clock this morning there was a loud bang at the front door waking up Valentin and scaring Amara into screaming again. Sirius got up to answer the door while Remus calmed the girl. "How can I he-" Sirius started but before he could get anything out of his mouth he was being handcuffed and started to get dragged off when Remus came in holding both girls. "Hey, padfooo- what's going on in here," Remus asked quickly putting down the girls to go help Sirius. "Sirius Black is to be sent to Azkaban for assisting in the murder of Lily and James Potter and 12 other muggles." They stated "but he was here all night we only left the house on-" Remus tried but Sirius cut him off "moony I'll be fine I will come back a promise but for now take care of Valentin for and when you can check in on Harry." Sirius said before being dragged out of Remus's house. "DADDY!" Valentin yelled urgently trying to follow them but Remus picked both girls trying to keep in his tiers and be strong for both the girls.
     -10 years later-
Over the years the girls had heard many stories of Hogwarts and Sirius and all the adventures they had. Valentin had also started using lupin as her last name instead of Black, not because she was ashamed he was his father no not at all but for the reason that she would get nasty glares every time someone heard her last name. Both girls knew that they were adopted but that didn't change the fact that Amara kinda looked like Sirius while Valentin looked more like Remus, though it was funny because the girls belong to opposite parents for whom they looked more like. Amara had beautiful sun-kissed tan skin with brown eyes that had a reddish tent in them with long dark hair that went all the to her bum and when she was younger she had an Afro but as she got older her hair straighten out, where as Valentin beautiful pale skin with mesmerizing amber eye with lighter hair that was almost more a of a blonde it was super short and she had super loose beach waves. Both girls did wear glasses though Amara had a rounded but not to round of a frame and they were clear while Valentin had more of a squared fame that were black. The girl loved each other and they were each other's best friends. On Valentin's 11th birthday she got he leader from Hogwarts but Amara didn't and she didn't understand why but she was still super happy for Valentin. But when Valentin got her letter she almost said she didn't want to go because Amara hadn't gotten hers but she had Remus was just waiting till her birthday to give it to her. 22 days later and it was Amara's birthday and though she was trying to hide it she was disappointed that she hadn't gotten her letter yet, but finally right before she went to bed her father gave it to her. "Ahhhhhhh" she squealed happily that her and Valentin got in. Soon the 2 girl were jumping around the room squealing like 5 year old girl when their crush talk is them.

A/N: thank you lovelies for reading this book. The first 2-3 chapters are not going to be set in 5th year but the rest will! On another note please feel free to change their names to what ever you would like, I sorry I really did try writing with out a name but I just can't and also this is gonna be in the POV of Valentin AND Amara.
Again thanks for reading and please comment and vote and feel free to leave suggestions.
Xoxo, rose

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