I Have a Talent?

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Y/N: Let me say this to start, I'm pretty strong.

Y/N said to Chiaki Nanami. The Ultimate Gamer.

Chiaki: Playing with you is kinda fun

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Chiaki: Playing with you is kinda fun... I think.

They have been running around and playing in the arcade all day. It all started with Y/N challenging her to a fighting game.

With Y/N losing the game, he challenge her again with a rhythm game. It kept going until they were back at were they started. Fighting games.

Arcade machine: Draw!

Chiaki: Oh! You suddenly got better.

Y/N: I'm not losing to you a second time!

A few minutes passed, He lost again. But he was pretty danm close to beating her.

Y/N: How could this be!?

Chiaki: Hey... wanna play again sometime?

Y/N: Sure, but I'll beat you next time.

After exchanging contacts they left the arcade and parted ways, as Y/N was heading home a man appeared in front him.

???: Are you Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Yeah...? And you are?

???: I'm a teacher from Hope's Peak, here.

The unknown man give him a letter with Hope's Peak's symbol... Duh.

Y/N: Hmm? A letter? Giving me a letter in person?

As Y/N said that, the teacher was gone. He just shrugged and continued walking home.

The teacher was just around the corner, phone in hand talking to the headmaster of Hope's Peak.

???: Sir, are you sure about doing this?

Headmaster: Yes. I'm sure.

???: But from the data we have. He's like a walking disaster.

Headmaster: Don't worry. Hope's Peak should be able to handle him.

???: *Sigh* I hope you're right...


(Back to Y/N)

Y/N: ( What should I eat tonight? )

He was in a grocery store. Deciding on what to eat.

Y/N: Maybe eggs? No I had that last time. How about fish?

An entire hour passed, when he finally decided what he wanted to eat.

Y/N: Guess I'll have eggs.

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