Chapter one (Moving plans)

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I woke up one morning with my boyfriend Daniel and our dog in our bed. It was a normal day, Daniel would be getting ready for work and I would be home with Juliet, (Daniel's sister) all day until it's my turn to go to work. I usually worked nights while Daniel worked days. I didn't mind that. It was relaxing spending the day with Juliet and our dog. We all live in a house together, I just finished my first year at college and was glad summer vacation was here. My year was stressful since it was my first year living outside of my parents, but I managed and was doing well. I usually started my morning out with letting my dog outside to use the bathroom and then I made coffee while I waited for everyone to wake up. It usually took a long time for everyone to wake up, but I usually woke up early because I'm a type one diabetic and my blood sugars usually woke me up early, and of course my dog. I have this friend online that also keeps me awake in the mornings. He's an hour ahead of us in the time zone so he usually texts me first and that too is my alarm clock.

Text from Emmett:
Good morning sleepy head. 😊
Me:Good morning😊
Emmett: I'll FaceTime you soon!

He and I will usually talk most of the day between texting and FaceTiming. He originally was Daniel's online friend but he shortly became my friend too. Daniel and Emmett met through video games on the PlayStation, but once I got a PlayStation, Daniel introduced me to Emmett and well, you can kind of see where that went.

"Spud! Come on boy, let's go inside!" I yelled to my dog. He's a very smart boy. Spud helps me sometimes with my blood sugars when he senses they are out of their normal range. I've been wanting to train him to become my service dog, but he's still too young for that yet. He's only one year old.

"Good morning Aria!"

"Gosh, Juliet! You scared me!"

"Haha oops! Is Daniel not awake yet?"

"No, he's still asleep. But I bet Spud will wake him up now!"

"SPUD! Ahh, go get mom! Aria! Call Spud!"

"Haha you were right Aria, Spud woke him up."

(Aria's phone rings)

"I'll talk to you later Juliet, Emmett's calling me."

"Okay! Have fun!"

"Well good morning Emmett. How did you sleep?" Aria asked.

"Oh, I slept alright. So I've been thinking about something. What if you, Daniel, and Juliet come visit me in Ohio? And I have another thing I've been thinking about."

"What's that?" Aria asked.

"Well, I really don't wanna live in Ohio anymore and since you, Daniel, Juliet, and I are such good friends, maybe I could move in with you guys to Minnesota?"

Aria didn't know what to say at first. She just froze there. She was thinking since they just moved into their new house that the land lord might be okay with it. But of course she was thinking there would have to be a lot of planning before hand to move Emmett in with them.

"Emmett, let me call you back after I talk things over with Daniel and Juliet. Okay?"

"Okay. Call me as soon as you can!"

I don't know if this is a good idea. I mean, we could use the extra help with rent and utilities and such. But the question is, will he get a job and help out like he wants to?

"Juliet! Daniel! Can you come down stairs, please?" I yelled up the stairs.

"What's up? Everything okay?" Juliet asked.

"Yeah, It's just, I had a weird question that Emmett asked, and I'm not sure how you guys will take it."

"What did he ask?" Daniel pressed.

"He wants to move to Minnesota and live with us." I stated.

"I think that's a great idea! You know that he and I have a thing for each other, right Aria?" Juliet asked.

"Umm, yeah I did actually. He was telling me about that the other day. Umm, Daniel, what do you think?" I asked.

"I don't really care as long as it's okay with the landlord." Daniel said.

"Umm, okay. Well let me call the landlord and see what we can do." I said.

The land lord was for it as long as everything still gets paid on time and Emmett helps contribute to the house costs. So I guess everything was looking up for us. We would get extra help with bills, we'd all have our friend living with us. We all were thinking this was going to be great! So after that was sorted out we made our plan to go to Ohio and visit him and then move him to Minnesota in about a couple weeks.

But little do I know that short couple weeks will change my life for the worst.


Authors note
This story is based on true events of my life, and I'm still figuring out how I wanna put it into words. It may take me a while to publish, but I'll try my hardest to keep updating!

Thanks for reading!
xxgretchen 😊

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