Part 4

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Trevor told Mitch that coach hung out at the local coffee house after school. Figured. A lot of cute guys came there after school. Mitch figured coach would likely follow Trevor into the men's room. Mitch would be in one of the stalls when they came in. As coach passed his stall, Mitch would stick the needle in his ass.

This would give Trevor a little information, namely that Mitch was injecting something rather than using hypnosis or blackmail or some other form of coercion. As it would not give him critical information, and Mitch felt he could trust his good friend, he decided to go for it.

The plan worked like a charm. Coach only had time to say, "Hey!" before is eyes glazed over and he slumped to the floor. Trevor left the men's room and stood guard outside as Mitch gave the coach his instructions.

When coach woke up, Mitch and Trevor were gone and Coach didn't remember a thing about his indoctrination. Coach just thought he passed out. Then he began to have very strange thoughts. (For him.) He suddenly felt tremendous shame for what he had done to the slender teen boys that turned him on.

He had preyed mostly on nerds, because they represented the opposite of football players to him, and were therefore not real men. They could and should be used by real men like him. Now, as he thought about it, he decided that it was really the nerds who were the real men. They were the ones who were smart, and should be in charge.

Football players and ex football players like him were obsolete in the modern world, hanging on to the illusion that strength and size made them better.

He now realized that he better make amends with those he had used, and especially with Trevor who was not only really really smart, but had had the balls to stand up to him! Now that kid was a real man!

Coach got up from the floor and walked out of the rest room. He wanted Trevor to take total charge of him. He would do whatever the boy wanted. Coach felt small and insignificant now. He should belong to and serve Trevor, if the boy would have him. He desperately hoped that Trevor would not only use him but punish him for his evil ways. If not, Coach would find another teen nerd to use him. He just had to!

Coach left the coffee shop and headed for Trevor's house. He knew right where the boy lived, as he had spied on him numerous times, hoping to see him naked through a window, or swimming naked in his back yard pool. He had planned to take pictures with a telephoto lens, but he never caught the slender teen naked.

He walked up to Trevor's door after checking that his parents' cars were gone. He found he was really nervous, because he so wanted Trevor to take charge of him! Coach rang the bell and waited.

Trevor and Mitch were sitting on the living room sofa. When the bell rang they both grinned and giggled. Trevor composed himself, walked to the door and opened it. Coach swallowed hard and hoped he wouldn't mess this up.

"What do you want?" said Trevor, in his coldest voice.

"Sir, I am so sorry for constantly tormenting you and hitting on you. I was wrong to do that, and I now realize the you ner... I mean you really smart men are the real alpha males in this day and age. I should be serving and servicing you!"

"And..." said Trevor.

"And I was hoping you would accept me as your slave. I know you're gay, and I'm hoping that, even though I'm not worthy you will let me serve you. I'm yours to use as you wish. I'll serve you the best I can, and if you get bored with me you can give me or sell me to anyone you want and I'll serve them."

"You're right, you don't deserve this. But if you promise never to come on to anyone ever again, and accept the fact that you will be severely punished, I'll allow you to be my slave. And trust me. You will be sold at some point."

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