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Who is it sensei! I hear as I stand in my dads office along with some other yells asking if it was bruce lee or jakie chan which just made me laugh to myself quietly

What? No my dad responds

Everyone please welcome my daughter kara he says as I walk out of his office and see a bunch of unfamiliar faces. Except one who I swore I have seen before. But I didn't bother because my dad started speaking up again.

Kidd come stand over here in front of the class please. I did as he said making my way and standing in-front of two boys. One with a mohawk and the other one with the familiar face.

Kara here is a dancer he says making everyones eyes widen shocked at Their sanseis daughter being a dancer not a fighter.

Today we will NOT be fighting. Instead we'll be learning some of the techniques of dance. He says smiling placing two hands on my shoulders.

I flash a cheeky smile to the class but they all just roll their eyes

Sensei do you really think that is necessary? A girl on the other side of the mohawk guy asks

Yes aisha it is do not question my motives! My dad yells

Yes sensei! She yells back

Now everyone off the mat. Diaz hawk fold up the mat and push it to the side he says

Okay I put those speakers up that you got for us so just plug your phone in here and do what you need to he says and then struts over to where the other students are standing on the far other side of the room.

I did as my dad said and pull up the song I would be dancing to.

*train wreck by james aurther. Start the song at 1:36 and play it through the end*

I quickly take the jacket I was wearing off leaving me in a black strappy sports bra, my black nike spandex. I quickly kick off my shoes and set the song on a three second timer giving me time to get to my starting position.

The song starts up and I begin thid dance I made up myself. Containing different assets of things my dad wanted me to show his students. It was a contemporary piece that consisted of Mostly ballet moves.

It was getting to the end and I finished with a soring split through the air and landed on the ground peacefully. The song stopped and I looked up. I saw all sorts of expressions. Some shocked, annoyed, bored, and one impressed who I now learned went by hawk. Miguel was the only one who clapped which made me laugh a little. I could tell he was a real sweetheart so I smiled at him

From behind me I heard footsteps and slow clapping.

Well... good job kidd john kreese says from behind me emphasizing the last name kidd. He always hated that I took my moms lastname but I was a child. Not exactly my choice. I basically had three lastnames. Kidd-keene-Lawrence but my brother and I always just went by kidd. Until he got into some trouble and just moved away. He then only went by keene. His birth mothers name. She was my birth mother too but she didn't raise us. She was never there. So I went by my actual mothers last name. Blood doesn't make family and I never believed so.

That was great my dad says winking at me.

SO he shouts making some of the kids jump

You will be learning some of the things kara just showed us. It will teach you balance, patients, and focus. Three things you all are NOT GOOD AT. Ballerinas do it, football players do it, some of the best action stars in the world do it. And now you will too he says getting up close to some of the kids faces.

After about 45 minutes some kids were doing really well. And some not... including hawk. And I could tell it was bothering him he wasn't catching on too well.

I was currently trying to help him balance on his toes and do one of his karate kicks. Holding his waist. His hands. His other leg. None of It helped

Hey try focusing on one not moving object when you do it I tell him. He nods and does exactly as I say and it works

Woah he says

Yeah I know. If you do that in a fight you will never lose your balance I say before moving onto someone else

It was two hours in now and the class was over

Johnny had just let them all leave and they were now packing up and changing.

I was putting my jacket back on along with my shoes when hawk comes up to me

You know it's only fair since you got to teach me some of your moves I get to teach you mine he smirks.

I just laugh. Maybe some other time hawk I say running my hands over his hair.

Fine okay but at least let me take you out he smiles looking down at me

Which made my heart to backflips. He was hot but he was confident which made him hotter

A date hawk? I smirk at him

Sure he says

Lets do it I say squeezing his sides and walking away

He was shocked at first but immediately catches up to me.

Wait you don't need to tell sensei? He asks wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

No he doesn't care what I do I shrug

We end up at an 80's themed diner with milkshakes and fries.

So how long have you been a dancer he asks

My whole life basically. I never go to classes though I'm kind of self taught I smile

What?! You're amazing for self taught he exclaims

Hahha thank you!

So why aren't you a fighter like your dad? He asks which stung me a little

I don't know. He tried to get me to do it when I was younger but i never liked it. I was damn good though so don't you forget I say throwing a fry at his face

You were huh? He smirks

That smirk began to grow on me

After a while he decided he should get me back home

Okay this is me I smile at him as we were now standing infront of my door

Goodnight kara he says leaning in placing a kiss on my cheek

Goodnight hawk I smile giving him a hug before heading into my house

Where were you?! My dad half yells half screams

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