Chapter 3

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I woke up scared sinxce I just saw my ex turn into a animatronic. I was laying on the ground and my head didn't hurt at all. I checked for bloodd and there was none there. Ok I looked up and saw th thing clenching his arm with his hand. Then I looked down and saw at his feet was his left forearm and hand I looked over and saw link standing there with an axe in hand. He ra and stabbed the thing in the chest then the thing back handed link sending him to the ground. It ran at link making angry human sounds but more distorted. The cops pulled up and shot tazers at the thing. It stood there shaking lke before. Before it fell to it's knees and fell over. The cops approched it cautiously as the other cop called in the report. The cop grabbed my arm and took me to the car since i had the things blood on my torso. The cop yelled hurry up and i said ow ur hurting me then The cop stopp ed moving. Then the things hand went through his chest. I screamed in horror and ran to everyone who were all getting up and regrouping. The thing grabbed the other cop and slammed him agsint the wall. It slams the cops face into the wall about 100 times before he throuh the cop to the ground. Then it turned and just looked at us. It's eyes darted from side to side looking at us all before it's eyes set on me. It just stared and I'm pretty sure I heard mangeled breathing coming from it. It seemed like hours it just stared at me. I knew ben was in their so I started to walk toward it meanwhile all it did was stare. I walked close to it face to face. It looked down and stared at me, It started to raise it's hand to mine. It is ben I thought to myself. Thats when christian shot a gasoline pipe and gasoline spewed onto springtrap. It stumbled back as mac through a lighter almost hitting me and it sent springtrap a flames. it pushed me aside and ran past all of us and runs into a water pipe. The fire gets defused and christian unloads his whole pistol at springtrap. it looks at me then ran off as more cops showed up and Aaron arrived. I walked up to him and slapped him as he leaned into a hug Aaron said ow wtf I responded with You killed ben you sack of shit. Aaron walks away and drives off. After the cops questioned us they drove us home and we never went out agian but we still texted and talked at school. Springtrap/ben wasn't seen agian.

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