Don't cuss in front of Henry

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William: "Where is my fucking knife?"

Micheal: "dude, say it nicer. There are kids around."

William: "may I assertion the whereabouts of my fucking knife?"

Henry: "William."

William: "what?"

Henry: he pulls out a metal base ball bat "I heard cussing."

William: "erm-" he looks at Micheal

Micheal: "your problem, now."

Henry: goes to William who is now backing up

William: he turns and runs while Henry is chasing him "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"


My friend: asserting dominance over Micheals highschool bully "listen up f-cker"

Henry: "excuse me?"

My friend: they scream at the top of their lungs "DONT HIT ME!"

Henry:he walks over to them and holds up his baseball bat and hits them over the head knocking them out

Hawks: "welp-" he continues to t-pose in front of the bully


Idk why the @ isn't working.

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