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Snivy pov-

I was walking home from Pokeschool in a thick, luscious green forest along a pale dirt path with my older brother, A Servine. My books were clutched close to my chest, and I was flipping through my homework.

"'A New Journey'..." I murmur to myself, looking at the ELA article I had to read.

"Oh, that's a good one," Ace tells me. "I have that in my room."

"Maybe I could borrow i-"

I was cut off by a sudden cheerful squeal from a bush in front of me.

"Heya, Dinnese!" A fat Pignite squealed, pushing his way from the prickly stems.

"It's Dianna!" Ace growled, stepping forward.

"Were you stalking me!?" I yelp in shock.

"Uh, n-no," Chad (I'M SURE Y'ALL CHAD'S OUT THERE ARE AMAZING. BASH THIS CHAD. HE IS A DISGRACE TO THE COMMUNITY OF Y'ALL GOOD CHADS) stuttered. "I just happened to be walking inside the bushes on the same path as you for a half an hour and I thought I heard you and Chase!"

"Ace!" my older brother growled.

"Yeah, yeah what ever, Mace," Chad huffed. "Wanna come to my place t'night? We got tons of spagyet and-"

"N-no thanks," I say. "I'll eat at my house."

Ace nods curtly and begins to guide me away, annoyed.

"Uh, okey!" Chad squeals. "See ya' round, Diance, Blace!"

He cannonballed into the bushes head first. 

"OWEE!" he squealed. His back legs hung out, trashing wildly until he wiggled himself in.

"GAH!" he cried out again. "SO MANY THORNS IN MY BOOTIE!"

"Serves you right!" Ace scoffed as we left.

"I think he forgot we were watching," I giggled softly. 

"I think he did," Ace agrees, leading me home.

A large tree house with a large glass rectangle within the branches and the leaves sat atop the gnarled Oak.

Ace pulled the keys from a pocket in his binder. He opened the door and we entered.

"Oh my, rules broken, 'tisk 'tisk," A voice chided.

A large female Levanny neatly tip-toed down the stairs and ushered Ace and I up to our rooms.

The stairs twisted like a lighthouse up until a floor that had a long, narrow hallway. At the end of it was a restroom. At either side of it was my room and then Ace's right across.

"You arrive and 4:00, not 4:02," Mother scolded. "You were late! You had your father and I worried SICK about you! Also, where's Chad?" she added at the end, in a more dull and expecting tone.

"He wanted me to come over, but I said no.." I admit.

"Then we'll simply invite him. You should be more kind to your boyfriend, y'know!" Mother called down as she headed up a narrow set of steps beside the bathroom.

I flinched at the word 'boyfriend' and I felt Ace stiffen next to me.

"Uh, c'mon," he says. "I'll give you the book then, and, uh, give it back by Monday! M'kay?"

"Uh-huh," I murmur. Ace slips into his room and comes back out in a flash, holding a dull black-and-white book with the rainbow words: 'A New Journey!' at the top.

"Mrs. Agga is always choosing books based off of what she likes," I sigh, remembering the old Piplup. Her wrinkly old face, nice librarian lady glasses; she was your classic boomer grandma. She even brought an apple pie to school once.

A bulky Simisage came downstairs, chewing loudly with food spilling out of his mouth.

"Shubn't oo beh ih oor woom?" he mumbled around a mouthful of pizza and cake.

"What?" I ask. 

He swallows it all in one big gulp before giving a loud, windy belch that tugged on my papers. A math assignment flew down the stairs.

"I said," he says in his deep, old, country dad voice, "Shouldn't you be in your rooms?"

"We were just about to go, pa," Ace covered for me. "I need to get something real quick though.."

He ran down the stairs for my math assignment and Dad ushered me in.

"In ya go, squirt," he huffs before closing the door. I swear I don't know how he isn't the star of 'My 600 Pound Life' yet.

I think over the day and hear Chad downstairs. I begin to sob into my bed until Ace opens the door with my math paper.

"DD?" he asks, calling out my nickname. 

"DEMETRIE!" I hear Chad scream up the stairs. "MY LOVE!?"

"Hey, listen Nia," Ace says gently. "No matter what, we'll always have each other. Got that?"

I don't respond.


I ca hear Chad's loud stomps and cries getting closer.

Ace sighs and leaves. I wipe off my face and remake the bed before applying my make up and putting on a luscious white scarf. Dark green mascara in the shape of leaves cover my eyes and my lashes are long and soft. my skin in smooth and sleek and I have white boots on. Mom chose this for me. I guess I'm going somewhere. Pale pink blush gently stained my cheeks. Soft, but still quite visible.

Nothing stained my lips. I kept those normal. Well, more like mom did, since she chose my outfit for today.

Chad bursts in in a suit and tie, a fake mustache glued right above his mouth.

"Ahello, my love," He huffs in a fake 'fancy-waiter' accent.

He leans in to kiss me and ends up kissing my white pillow. I'm glad I shielded myself with that, because a large slobbery lip-mark now stains my pillow. I quickly set that down and flip it over.

"You lips are quite fabric-y," Chad states.

"Mhm.." I stall.

We end up going to some fancy restaurant. Chad tries to do the Lady-and-the-Tramp thing but I save myself with a meatball.

"Wha?! How are your lips so meaty now!?" Chad cries, confused.

"I, uh.." I stutter.

After the whole terrible date thing, I wipe off my make-up and cry myself to sleep.

What a horrible day, I think.

The next day at school, Chad's sick.


Mom says I have to bring him soup after school.


As I'm heading to class, I am distracted and accidentally bump into someone.

"I-I'm sorry!" I say quickly.

"It's fine," they respond.

I look up to see an Oshwott picking up his stuff.


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