Random Writing 3

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I took shaky breaths as I looked across the battlefield.
It only took me a few moments to realize what just happened.
“We… We Won!”, the adrenalin still flowing through me. I sighed with relief that we had won against such unfavorable odds.
I soon recollected myself and looked around for Sir Robert and Collett.
After looking around I notice Collett shaking someone on the floor.
The armor looks very familiar but it’s very busted up.
My mind starts to wonder who that could that be while a thought in my mind lingers, “Could that be Sir Robert?”
When I got closer I heard frantic speaking from Collett but I still can’t hear what she is saying.
Then as soon as I got close enough my worst fears came true.
Sir Robert was on the floor, his armor was covered in dents and scratches, while he himself was covered in mortal wounds..
“Please, please stay with us!”, Collett was desperately trying to keep Sir Robert conscious.
When Sir Robert spotted me walking towards him, he gave me a light smile.
“Well there you are, you kept me waiting”, Sir Robert tries to keep the situation cool.
“I said this was bound to happen one day so don’t be so sad”, although Sir Robert wasn’t lying about the first part it was still too much to hold back the tears.
“Hey Hadrian help me get him up!” Collett was trying to help Sir Robert up
I go to help Collett get him up
“Come on, we can get you to a healer, it's going to be fine!” Although I was saying it there was the thought that he wouldn’t make it back alive.
As soon as Sir Robert is on his feet he tells us to stop.
“Hey look at me, I’m not going to make it” Sir Robert was right in a sense, he could make it but not alive.
“Hadrian, get on your knees” I do as he asks but I still wonder what he is planning 
“I’m going to do the condensed version mostly because I don’t know how long I have and partly because I forgot the long version” Sir Robert chuckles to himself 
“What are you-” I get cut off by Sir Robert raising his hand for me to keep quiet.
“Defend the poor and helpless. Never avoid doing the right thing out of fear...Always defend a lady...unless that lady is trying to kill you. Speak the truth to your King, for true words of council are better than that of lies. When fighting a duel, fight one-on-one, and respect the rules set forth. Be compassionate and defend the innocent…”
Sir Robert continues telling me about various things like honor and valor.
“Will you accept my words and do your best to uphold these ideals?”
I soon realize what he is doing “I do”
Sir Robert then slowly moves his sword, touching both of my shoulders.
“Then I, Sir Robert Gale of Redwood, do hereby dub thee Sir Hadrain Cartwright. Take this sword, which shall symbolize your prowess at arms and your acceptance of this Knighthood.”
Sir Robert then sheaths his sword, takes off his sword belt then hands it to me.
I take it with both hands and look up at him.
Sir Robert smiles then falls over.
“Sir Robert!” Collett quickly gets to Sir Robert's side.
I kneel next to Sir Robert and look at him while he stares back.
“Don’t look so gloomy this is bound to happen to us one day, we all die one way or another”
I just look at Sir Robert while crying.
“May the Two guide you to the stars” I lightly smile at him
Sir Robert gives a big smile back and then soon closes his eyes.

My eyes shoot open as I jerk up from my sleep.
Collett was standing by the tent cover when she saw me suddenly get up.
“Same dream huh?” Collett looks relatively worried
I nod while rubbing my eyes.
“It kinda helps me remember what to fight for”
I look at the sword next to me and very lightly smile
“Don’t worry we’ll make sure he wasn’t in vain”
I get up and get out of the tent and look at the sun rising and my men getting ready to move out.
“We will avenge you and the kingdom, Sir Robert with you watching over me I know we’ll be fine”

The End

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