School Dance Part 1

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"Don't forget class the school dance will be in a week. Be ready, class dismissed." The teacher said in a bored tone

"She couldn't have sounded more cheerful?" asked Gemini a bit annoyed

"She's always like this, every single year." Libra told her

"Oh well, at least we'll have fun. Plus, we get to dress up." Gemini said as they walked out of the classroom 

Cancer and Virgo walked by chattering about the same thing Gemini and Libra were. You could see groups of girls here and there talking about the dance... and then there was Aries. Sitting next to Leo and Capricorn in the cafeteria. 

Libra shook her head chuckling and walked over with Gemini right behind her. 

"Come on Aries, we have to meet up with the rest of the girls." Gemini said and before Aries could respond grabbed her by the arm and dragged her over with the other girls

"Hey!" Aries exclaimed

The girls laughed  and huddled together. 

Meanwhile the boys were glancing at them from their respective places. They had taken Aries, who coincidentally new practically all of their crushes. Key word practically. 

They needed her and the girls took her away. How dare they. 

"Well, we're on our own for now guys." Sagittarius told Leo, and Taurus. Capricorn had gone over to Scorpio, and Pisces was in the bathroom. 

"I don't know why we worry so much about this dance." Taurus grumbled 

"You know why." Leo smirked raising an eyebrow and looking over at the crazy mane of red hair that went by the name of Virgo. 

Taurus blushed and put his head on his arms, "Whatever" 

Sagittarius snickered 

"It's not like you don't have a crush on Ari-" Taurus was cut off by Leo smacking him on the head, "Ow!"

"You guys are pathetic." Scorpio said coming over with Capricorn

"Says the one whose crush is, um, who's your crush?" Sagittarius asked 

Scorpio rolled his eyes and sat down, "We should be focusing on what to do if those losers from the other school show up." 

"They wouldn't dare, it's our school only isn't it?" asked Leo

"Do you think that'll stop them? Plus, the teachers would probably invite them in as guests." Capricorn snorted 

The bell rang and everyone went back to class. The girls with the plan to go dress shopping in the afternoon and the guys with a plan to meet up to discuss what they would do and how to impress their crushes. 

*After School* 

"Right, so I was thinking about the colors that goes best with each of you." Libra announced 

The girls were at her house first to kind of get an idea of what we wanted and then go to the mall for the dresses.  

Libra distributed each color schemes to each girl. 

"But, of course, it's your choice." Libra finally said 

They all nodded and got our bags. 

"Right, now that we have that. Who are you guys trying to impress?" asked Virgo 

All the girls blushed except Gemini, she still didn't know the guys enough to start crushing on them. Though she was bi, and Aquarius was cute...but she had heard Sag was head over heals for her

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Aries laughed 

"Oh come on! I'm dying of curiosity!" Virgo said and threw herself on Libra's bed dramatically 

"We all already know Cancer likes Scorpio, but what about the rest!?" Virgo exclaimed

"Wha- How- WHO TOLD YOU I LIKED SCORPIO!?" Cancer asked horrified

"Well now you just confirmed it practically. Plus, you have to give us a bit more credit. It was quite obvious honestly." Aquarius laughed 

Cancer turned a scarlet red in embarrassment. 

The girls laughed and grabbed their bags to walk the three blocks to the mall.

Right, so I was going to do Aquarius and Gemini together as a lesbianXbisexual ship, but then that would leave SagittariusXPisces in my list and I don't know how that would have gone... So I changed that but left Gemini as bi. You'll so the other ships I left our from this chapter in the following ones. 

I hope you guys are doing well and that this year has been great so far for you guys. 😁

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