Ch 1 Can't stop me

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(Soobin's Pov)

Once it was lunch time I head to the cafeteria and sit at the table me and my friends claimed as ours. Lost in thought my mind again drifts to the young boy I ran into and know nothing about. Suddenly I jump snapping out of my thoughts when I feel a wad of paper hit my head. I look over at Yeonjun who's giving me a weird look. "Yah! Soobin I've been calling you for a while now. What's going through that head of yours?" I pick at my food with a frown. "This boy bumped into me and I haven't seen him before. I was pretty sure he was new but when I asked him he said he wasn't new and then he left. Literally left me there and ignored me not telling me his name or anything." The boys all looked at each other curiously before Taehyun speaks up. "What does he look like hyung?" I look thoughtful for a moment tilting my head. "He has red hair, really pale skin and grey blue eyes. I think he's foreign. He also dressed in all black." I see Taehyun and Beomgyu tense up and I give them a confused look. "That's Park Tennyn. He's not very nice. Always ignores everyone, sticks to himself and refuses to answer the teachers." Beomgyu nods a frightened look on his face. "I heard he moved here because all the schools in America kicked him out. He refuses to talk to anyone or have friends" I raise an eyebrow a slight frown on my face then I give them a determined look. "Well I bet I can be his friend." They give me a look that obviously says I'm insane before Yeonjun pipes up. "If you lose you have to go on a date with Hana." I immediately cringe. Hana is a popular girl who's obsessed with me. Sighing I hold my hand out. "Fine but if you lose Tennyn joins our group." He takes my hand shaking it firmly. "Deal." I nod then look around the cafeteria for a certain boy wearing black. "You won't find him in here. I heard he goes to the roof during lunch." I look at Kai curiously before shrugging and getting up. I then head to the roof walking up the stairs and pause when I see Tennyn leaning forward against the railing looking out into the sky. "What are you doing here?" I jump startled at his voice before I put on a smile and step forward. "I thought you could use some company." He immediately turns his head to give me a grumpy annoyed look. "No thanks I'm good." I frown and move to stand beside him looking up into the sky. "I just want to be friends." He turns to look at me and practically growls. "I'm fine being alone. I don't do friends and I will never need one. So leave me alone and give up." I watch him grab his things and storm down the stairs. I let out a sad sigh when I suddenly notice something. Squinting my eyes I kneel down and pick up a small pin shaped like an Angel. I look it over curiously seeing it looks old and expensive since it's gold. Realizing that it's Tennyn's I put it safely in my pocket and run down the stairs when the bell rings heading to my next class.

Can't you see me? (A Choi soobin x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now