Foreign Feelings

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Stiles stared up at the full moon, his breath choking him as he thought, his eyes closing as he tried to forget.

He turned the radio up with his phone, metal poured through the speakers. He lifted his hands and roughly air drummed, drowning out the sound of nature out his window. He sang the words, voice like shoes on gravel from lack of sleep. He cooed out the guitar streaks, his shoulders moving with his hands. He'd become more of a 'man' since highschool. His voice deepened, he let facial hair grow, scruffy stubble at the moment. The song changed, shuffling through his playlist, going to Smash! by Starbomb. He smirked and leaned back, lighting himself another cigarette.

As the songs changed, he heard something in-between. A howl; it was distant and weak, sad even. He huffed, shaking his head at it, at his memories.
He flipped through his memories like a filing cabinet. He went back to the end of Junior year, right before he had disappeared, right before Stiles had fallen to pieces.
~~ Stiles had given up on Lydia, given up on girls and relationships in general really, a new petty crush in the back of his mind. Thursday, May 8th. Full moon. He'd gone to see Derek, he didn't really know why, just felt like he needed to. The night had a brisk chill and was a bit windy. Stiles had his red hoodie on over a grey T-shirt, baggy black sweat pants on. It was the middle of the night, he had bags under his eyes, his hair a mess, he hadn't slept in days.
He approached the flat, heart feeling heavy, limbs feeling numb but tingly from the cold. He lifted his hand to knock first pressing his hand to the door, waiting, then knocked, hesitant. The door hurt his freezing knuckles.
There was a bit of shuffling behind the door, before it opened. He was met with steel eyes, reflected by the moonlight, all the human could see in the pitch black door way, they closed and hands moved to rub them. What do you want, Stiles?" A broken voice said, forcing anger over it as a facade, "It's 4am.." Derek huffed.
"I...I just needed to see you..." Stiles looked down. "Why?" The door opened more, revealing Derek's face a bit more. "I..don't know" Stiles mumbled, before Derek grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the dark apartment.

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