Chapter 11 - Ninety-Four Hours Past the End (3PM)

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 "So, Grote, who was that giant again?"

We were at a small clothing shop somewhere I had no idea about. Grote was sitting down on a stool, leaning on the wall, next to cash counter while I was browsing clothes from the shelves.

"Some kind of armed force deployed here, I think. We had a bloody clash mid way when they start shooting."

"And everyone was killed?"

"Who - yeah, I guess. I don't know. Maybe some of the Greens fled. I was paying attention more at the people who were trying to kill me."

"Could that giant was part of the purge? Hey, how does this look on me?"

"What? Yeah, fine. You know what? Just pick anything you want. Nobody's gonna look at you today or tomorrow.

And what purge are you talking about?"

"The purge! The news we read when we were at Dan's apartment. They are going take action, they said. Remember?"

Grote rolls his eyes up to the right.

"That was meant to be a purge, right?" I said. "I mean, why else would they dress like that and kill everyone in sight?"

Grote only looked to his right with scrunched eyebrows.

Seeing him not saying anything, I asked him whether he has picked his clothes. He told me to grab a bag and pick a t-shirt and pants for him instead, preferably cargo. Then we headed out. I was wearing my new polo shirt, track pants, and a wind jacket, with backpack carrying Grote's new t-shirt and beige cargo pants. Considering the bad weather and our conditions that were far from great, we just kept on trying to find a safe place to stay for the day. I was worried about Grote; he sounded as if he was going to pass out. He became slower by every minute, facing down most of the time, breathing heavily. Though pale, he persistently refused to admit he was sick. During that time, there was a school nearby, still standing, with burn marks here and there – and awful smell that stuck in my nose. Could not help it, I told Grote we should get in there to find the school's healthcare, then I rounded his right arm around my neck to help him walk faster.

Past the gate, the spooked flies buzzed on us. Wished I had not looked at the school field. There were bodies piled-up there. Charred.

Once we were in, I placed Grote on the wooden bench. He told me he was so tired that he wants to sleep and I told him not to.

Somebody knew we were there. As I rushed through the school corridor, someone smacked me with a stick. I fell and was pinned on floor, then got my neck choked by a wooden ruler.

"Promise me, get out from this school or I'll end your air supply," said the lady who held the ruler against my neck.

"I only need aid! For wounded friend... and myself! Please!" I told her.

"Oh! Any FoTL would say so before they cut my throat!"

"But I don't cover... my fucking face... I'm survivor!"

She then loosened her strangle and apologized while I coughed hard.

"Apologies! Just a habit grown since the last few days," she rubbed my back.

Soft-spoken, she was. Did not expect that from such a brutish power.

"I know – I understand..." I said while brushing my tears off. She, wearing white tops and black skirt uniform, helped me to stand up. "Are you a teacher here?" I asked.

"Uh, no, I'm school medic," she replied. "I heard that your friend's wounded?"

"Right! He's sitting right there!"

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