Wattys 2020 Spotlight

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Thank you so much for reading Haunteds. It's the first book I've ever written but I'm happy with how it turned out, hope you are as well. 

I hope my story served as a good distraction and relief from whatever you're going through, like what books, anime, and games did and still does for me. It's really the reason why I started writing in the first place. 

Update: I've been featured by the Wattys 2020 team. If you want to read more about it, click the "External Link" below.

Apparently, "External Link" only works for web users and Wattpad doesn't allow posting of links in chapters so the best I can do is give you the name of the book: Wattys 2020 Spotlight.

If you loved Haunteds and want to support me, you can do so by: 

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See you again in the next book!

Thanks again. 

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