Sup Y'all

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So here's the rundown:

I have a SERIOUS case of writers block that needs to be cured. I figured y'all wanted some Ghost Eyes fanfics (who doesn't amiright?) so this will be the solution.

Basically leave in the comments what ships you wanna see and how you want to see them (fluff, angst, AU, etc.). If you want to see a certain scene or something that's fine too just say like "coffee shop" or "gender bend". Yes I will write gender bends. Or if you just want to see a certain topic or theme I can convey through the characters then SAY SO. I NEED STUFF TO WRITE

Obviously no pedophilia, necrophilia, incest, etc. I might-might, MIGHT, that's a big maybe-do smut but it has to be a ship I personally ship. Sorry Tobimelo fans.

ALSO I know this says Ghost Eyes but I can do other fandoms, I just didn't want to make several different books. Here are a couple a fandoms I'm into: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Glitch Techs, The Hollow. I read a lot of comedy's and horror webtoons. Note that I don't watch a lot of anime but I can get into stuff pretty quickly. Also feel free to put requests on other episodes, not just this one.

Recap: I have writers block, put whatever you wanna see in the comments, no bad stuff, can do other fandoms.

Thanks and enjoy!!

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