I could

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~~~~Tomilio hurt/comfort requested by Bemoca1210. Request what you want to see in the comments~~~~

This wasn't going to work.

Tobias stared down at the wolf he has just murdered. Great now he had to clean this up.

As he was dragging the corpse towards a hidden spot, he tried to recall what happened. He ran to the woods, before school had begun, thinking  about his father, then Edburt's voice, then...the dead wolf.

This was getting out of hand. Tobias needed to get a handle on his emotions before Mr.Edburt  caused some real damage.

Tobias hid the body, then stripped of his bloodied jacket. He still needed to clean his hands. He peered towards the school. It seemed school still hadn't started yet. Just a few staff in the parking lot

He went into the school, slowly, carefully. Why didn't they keep it locked. He thought to himself as he made his way to bathroom.

As he washed his hands his mind began to dangerously spiral.

Why was his life like this? Why had the had to happen, to him nonetheless? No. That was selfish. His father didn't love, who could ever? He just accept it and move on. He willed to flush away these thoughts in the sink like the blood on his hands. Of course that didn't happen.

His father didn't love him...

Who could ever?

His father didn't love him...

Who could ever?

Who could ever...

First periods for second period went by in a blur with those thoughts circling him as hungry sharks would with an unsuspecting fish, waiting for the right moment to devour him. Finally it was time for PE.

He waited for most of the other boys to change and leave the locker room before he did, like usual. The last thing he would want is for any of those fools to start asking questions. Questions about his marks on his back. About his dad. About his own life.

His own life. The one in which his father didn't love him, where he couldn't develop proper friendships. The one in which the scars on his back were a constant reminder of his fathers hatred for him, for the monster that was him, Tobias. Not that he needed the reminder. The one in which if he let these thoughts take over he couldn't control his mind, his body, his words. The one where-


He jumped and turned to see who the voice belonged to. Emilio, ever the creep, stood behind him.

"What do you want?" He asked, "Were you standing there, watching me undress?"

Emilio's face turned a light pink, before he turned away and said, "No, I was about to head out when I heard...you."

As he tried to process what Emilio was saying, Tobias wiped at his face, feeling wetness down his cheeks. Shit, he didn't realize he had been crying. That's probably what Emilio was talking about. How had he let himself cry, in front of someone else, in front of Emilio? Crying displayed vulnerability, and he didn't want to seem vulnerable. Because he definitely wasn't vulnerable. Right?

"Go away." Tobias turned back around to finish dressing. But Emilio didn't move.

"Um," Emilio took a step forward towards Tobias, "I don't mean to pry, but are you...alright, Tobias?"

"I'm fine. Go away." Tobias turned back around. Why won't he go away? Tobias thought, as he willed for Emilio to go away. Why, also, did he not really want him to go away.

It's because your not ok, aren't you Tobias? The whisper came in through the cracks of his mind like a trickle before a flood, small but promising danger.

"No!" Tobias shouted all of a sudden, "I don't want-no! Not now, not now!"

"Tobias?!" Emilio came over to Tobias' side. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Why was he still hear? why did Emilio care? He shouldn't! He shouldn't care about this monster in the form of a boy, muttering incoherently like a mad man and sobbing like a child. He was selfish, disgusting, murderer  who didn't deserve anyone's concern.

But in spite of himself he felt himself leaning towards Emilio, something he will never be able to explain. After a moment Emilio hesitantly wrapped his arms around Tobias, cooing him like a child.

"It's okay, you'll be okay" But it wasn't going to be okay. How could it ever? 

"M-my father, he-he doesn't-" Tobias tried and failed to explain to Emilio what was wrong.

"It's alright, you don't have to explain if it's to hard." So he didn't. And for a few silent moments they just stood there, Emilio holding Tobias, and Tobias softly crying into his shoulder. 

As he finally gotten a better hold on himself, Tobias softly whispered, "He doesn't love me." He wiped at his nose, the said, "Who could ever?"

There was a brief split second of silence that lead Tobias to think he had said the wrong thing, that he shouldn't have told him this so personal thing. Then, "I could."

The words where so quiet Tobias was certain he had heard incorrectly. He looked back up at Emilio.

"Wh-what did you say?" Emilio met Tobias' eyes. At that moment a wave of emotions hit  Tobias so hard and fast he could barley recount what he was feeling. In those candied cyanide eyes he could a see something he'd never seen in those eyes before. Not pity but something else. Something more understanding, more in depth, than just pity. But this none pity was veiled with a soft layer of sadness, and quite possibly...kindness?

"I said I could," he repeated to Tobias, "I could love you." 

There was something in those words that made everything shift and melt away. Just above a whisper, yet so defiant. They had a sort of strength that you could lean on, but enough fluidity that they could just envelope you whole. Hesitant but sure. Soft yet so loud. Something in those few words made things change.

If you were to ask Tobias what he was doing in that moment he wouldn't be able to answer you. A logical explanation to his actions there was none. A thought process behind it there was none. Passion, desire, want, need, were all words he couldn't quite associate with anything in that moment. Just a action that was caused by less than a second of thinking towards it.

He kissed Emilio. He wasn't sure why. A soft press of lips against lips. At that moment he thought that was all there was to it but...perhaps not. 

What was even more shocking is when Emilio kissed back. Soft, and delicate, like his words. Clearly neither of them had thought much about what they were doing. All they knew is in that second an action needed to take place and that was the result.

After few more seconds Tobias pulled away. Emilio was blushing hard, and Tobias felt his own fire in his own cheeks. Then what he had just done hit him.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean-"

"It's alright." Gave him a soft shy little smile. Emilio who had no idea of what was going on with Tobias had some how come down to level of understanding. He had attempted to comfort Tobias, told him he could love him. What did that mean? What did any of this mean? Neither of them knew. After a few more awkward seconds of silence, Tobias pulled away, said a very awkward good-bye to Emilio, then went to class.

Tobias wasn't really sure what had happened, but he did know it left him with a sort of bubbly, light feeling, that kept his mid from spiraling the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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