Pillows forts and all that jazz.

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Another day has passed at the residents of the Kujo's and you did nothing but stay in your room and stare at the ceiling, you turned to your digital clock.

3:12 pm

It read.

You yawned and your mouth felt dry, you sighed and got up from your bed exiting your room and made your way to the kitchen.

The house seemed a bit empty, Holly had gone off to her usual errands and Jotaro was probably in his room studying or something.

You entered the kitchen and opened a top cabinet, standing on the tips you toes you managed to slip a glass out of the cabinet after feeling around for a good 3 minutes.

You closed the cabinet and went to the faucet where you filled the glass up, you took a sip of your water before looking around the empty open house.

I was silent...

You started to get that ringing noice in your ears, the kind that will come to you when you hear no sound. You hated it.

You started to tap your foot up and down to make it less silent. It kinda worked.

You stopped.


[Okay let's face it... your board.]

You thought your self.

You were no stranger to this feeling you where often bored, a the mental institution you were especially board too.

All you do is stare at a barred window and watch the occasional bird fly by, or maybe you'd be lucky enough to see one of the patients bang their head against the wall until one of the nurses came to get them.

You were a silent and those times, letting the deafening ringing in your ears whisper to you.

You shook that out of your head and I looked around for a moment.

"Well... time to explore."

You walk around the house peering to a few rooms. You thought this place was big now that you walk around it seems bigger.

So far you found 2 Hall closets with one of them containing cleaning supplies and a few board games, the other one contained a variety of men clothes.

"Hm. How strange"

Jotaro could probably fit into them, but you could never imagine him wearing such formal clothes like a suit and tie.

There was also a box full of music notes and a case with an old saxophone in it, you didn't want to Snoop any further so you close the door.

You continued down the hall and found a laundry room, the washer and dryer running. You saw a basket of laundry with a large black coat in it.

You entered the laundry room and picked it up.

It had a large gold looking chain on it.


You thought to your self.

You noticed a hat on the dryer.

It was black and torn in the back it had a few pins on it.

You saw a long mirror propped up against the wall and got an idea, you looked around for a second and listen for any movement.

You put on the coat...

You snickered to yourself.

The coat was definitely large, the sleeves went past your arms and the rest of the coat falling to the ground.

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