Chapter 4: class 1-a represent

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After that combat training all might said he wanted to talk, i waited for everyone o finish, it was pretty fun watching everyone's quirk in action.

Finally tsu's team finished meaning class was over "well done! you all have proven yourselves heroes in training" all might said, "go get changed to go home!", all might gave me an unsettling look *for someone who smiles a lot, ya think he'd would give of a comforting vibe*, he waited till everyone was out of earshot.

"young hanayma. you're probably wondering why i pulled you aside" he said "yeah i am, im not in trouble am i?" i asked "no you aren't in trouble" "great, i don't mean to be rude but can we hurry this up then i owe kaminari burgers" i said cheerfully "young hanayma..." all might's entire mood changed "your mother" he said, as soon as he said those words i felt my heart drop "whats- whats happened" i said swallowing the lump in my throat "she wont be with you for a while" he said "what? why?" i asked "she has been put on a special mission to track a possible threat and she will be away this whole semester" all might said "thats longer than usual... must be important..." i muttered " it is, very important" "but mums the best, her speciality to tracking and scouting especially with her quirk, she can see things others just can't" i said *right?...* "yes she is, better than anyone. but i called you over here to hand you this and tell you if you ever are worried-" "worried? why would i be worried? she's lumo, and if i know mum she wont get her self into too much trouble" i said cutting him off "well then, that just leaves this" all might said handing me a letter that had my mother's hand writing on it "thanks all might" " no problem and well done in training today, i'll make sure to pass it onto mr aizawa" he said.

all might had left me know and i was changed and walking home, i had the letter in my hand but i hadn't opened it yet... im not sure if i even wanted too *man up and open the damn letter* i tore open the letter and began to read:

to my darling jack,

if you are reading this then i have gone away on a top secret mission, i know its a shock that i left so suddenly but this is for the greater good, for the people and for you. you have always been my big, strong boy and im asking alot of you but for this semester you will be alone but i promise when i get back i'll treat you too chicken katsu curry ( i know its your favourite). you have grown up so fast and im so proud of you, i know you'll be the best hero you can be and i couldn't ask anymore from you than that. i love you my lil' fighter, mum xx

p.s i have left as much money as you need (plus a little extra) to survive and the house is fully stocked on food for 2 months

i clutched the letter close to my chest "be safe mum... and come home...please" i whispered under my breath.

i finally made it in "better text denki"

"hey man, you up for burgers tomorrow with kaminari?" , i sent the message and after a few minutes he replied " hell yeah", cool so thats a plan, better make dinner.

after dinner i worked out and fell asleep on the sofa again.

i woke up at around 7:30 "hey im actually up at a descent time... am i sick or something?" i said out loud, i got no answer for my question " oh right... no mum" i said, i quickly threw on my clothes and ready for the day.

I walked out the door and the cool breeze hit me "damn thats a nice feeling", i began walking and its strange and can still feel those eyes on me, *it's probably nothing*

i walked a bit quicker to school and when i got to the gates i saw swarm of reporters, i rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh, apparently they heard it and guy with square glasses rushed up to me causing almost half of them to join, they all jammed their mic's in my face all trying to get my attention *damn they're like wild animals* "hey kid, you're in class 1-a right?" one of the reporters asked *how did they know that?* "yeah, why?" "whats it like having the number 1 hero teach you?" another asked "its cool i guess", they all let out a groan "hey isn't that the sludge villain kid?" one of them said and then they all rushed over to bakugou *they really are like hyena's but at least hyenas are patient*

as i walked to class i thought about what the reporter asked *having all might teach us is a big privilege and seeing as he's got the spot we all want we should learn big things from him. i cant wait!*

i made it into class and sat down "sup hanayma" "hey kaminari "hey man" "hey kirishima" we each greeted each other and got our things ready for class "hey kirishima, you up for burgers with me and kaminari tonight?" i asked "yeah, i'm in" he said giving me a warm smile. "you guys on a date or something" jirou teased "shut it aux cord" i said jokingly, jirou became all flustered again " you do realise the more you react the more i'll call you aux cord, aux cord" i said chuckling jirou huffed and turned back around, kaminari giggled a bit leading to him being shocked by jirou "im only joking jirou, you can come with if you want?" i asked " a date with 3 boys" she mumbled, she became increasingly red in the face "no! why would i ever do that" she said nervously "ok, your loss though" i said

"everyone sit down and be quiet" aizawa ordered, the room fell dead silent "today you have an important task, you'll be choosing your class rep" aizawa said "that doesn't sound that chall-" before i could even finish my sentences my classmates were standing and shouting who they believed to be the best candidate "be quiet" aizawa said followed by his death stare and everyone sat back down and didn't dare say a word "i dont care how you do it, just get it done before i wake up" with that aizawa slumped over in the corner wrapped in his sleeping bag getting what looks like some much needed rest.

it didn't take long to figure out a voting system and i was still stuck on my vote * momo is very smart so majority will pick her, their has to be a vice rep meaning even if she doesn't get the first position she will defiantly get the second, so i should vote someone else, i could just vote randomly but aizawa said it was important. my picks are iida, ochaco, midoriya and tsu * i finally made my decision to go with midoriya, he seems most driven to be number 1 so im sure he would take that job on and give his all.

at the end of it iida had 4 votes, momo had 6 votes, i had 2 and izuku had 7 meaning he was class rep and momo was vice rep.

(time skip location: cafeteria)

i had sat with kaminari, kirishima and the rest 1-a and i saw midoriya staring at me "have i got something on my face?" i asked him "oh no sorry... i do have a question about your quirk" he said "quirks" i corrected, everyone's eye's widened "you have two quirks?" ochaco asked "yeah but i call them under one name coz its easier" i said "what are they? if you dont mind us asking" midoriya asked "one of them is called weakness, arguably the weaker of the two physical wise, it gives me the power to see anyone's weakness new or old" i explained, izuku instantly started jotting this down in his book "is that how you beat me and kaminari yesterday?" jirou asked "oh no, i haven't used weakness since coming here, if i use it too much my eyes get blury and then if i keep using it i go blind for a bit " i said "what's the second one?" momo asked "well its called limitless, it gives me the ability to permanently enhance all my physical attributes with the added bit here and there" i said "what does' here and there' mean" she asked "well on top of everything being enhanced i have a pretty good resistance to poison because my heart beats slower and i have adaptability, basically i can adapt to any surrounding, put me in pitch black and i'd still be able to fight just the same, i also have a thing where i can pick things up really quick so like i can master a fighting style in less than a month " i explained "wow, you're really lucky, you must have really powerful parents" deku said "well my mum is the number 10 hero lumo" i said, the tables eyes widened even more "you mum is-" midoriya was cut off by a loud alarm bell that deafened the enitre school "is that the alarm?" kirishima asked " seems like it" i said, suddenly everyone rushed to the shut down exit "we should go too" tsu said "yeah lets move"

me and kirishima got split off from everyone else everyone else, we both tried to calm everyone down but it was no use, we were just pushed around by the bustling crowd, then we saw iida standing above the exit "THERE IS NO REASON TO PANIC, ITS JUST THE MEDIA, SO WE NEED TO STAY CALM AND PROVE TO THEM WHY WE ARE HERE AND WHY WE ARE THE BEST" he bellowed, it worked and everyone just kind of stopped.

(time skip)

after izuku handed the position of class rep over iida we all went home and me, kaminari and kirishima went out and got burgers and spent the night joking and messing around

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