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amalaflynn started a live video. Watch it before it ends!

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Amala smiles. "Hi, everyone."

lovingtheflynns cute.... now explain yourself


timelesszamala You and Zayn are so cute together 💕💕

Her smile falters slightly. She didn't know how to address it, but her manager had suggested she do the live to clear the air before she looks "like a clown to every studio worth a damn," and she had agreed—a decision she was now regretting.

Biting her lip, she starts, "Listen, guys . . . I'm just going to talk about everything that's been going on because I've been getting so many disgusting comments from people who don't even know me or my relationships. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about anything, and I really wished we could have kept this entire thing private, but Adira isn't responding to my texts or calls, and the Internet is absolutely tearing me apart without knowing anything, so I'm just going to say what I have to say right now."

defendjadira If you wanted to keep it private why would zayn post that 💀

gorgadira girl just say what you have to say damn


She swallows a deep breath. "So, Zayn and I . . . we're friends. We reunited when I was filming the mini documentary because he reached  out, and, at first, you know, after what he did, I didn't give him a chance, but"—she lets out a throaty chuckle—"he was beyond persistent, so we kept talking. I listened to him and started understanding his side of things. I know where's he's coming from, and I'm cool with him, and I decided I wanted him to be a part of my life. That's it. That's all. There are so many other things people don't see going on behind the scenes, but I just want everyone to be clear on the fact that Zayn and I are not together."

witchyadira extremely sus

frownymala We believe you. So proud of you for telling your side. The internet's being so cruel to you. :)

adira.editz ok but... if ur not together then why isn't adira talking to u...

Her brows furrow as she reads the rapidly moving comments. "Thank you for all the love I'm seeing right now." Her breath hitches as she sees one comment. "Someone asked why Adira isn't talking to me if Zayn and I aren't a couple. Um, I can't really speak for her. I think she's just mad at me, which, I guess, is understandable. I just want the opportunity to talk to her because she's the only family I have left. I don't want to lose my sister because of a misunderstanding about a man."

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