Bertholdt x Reader☁️🍋

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You lit a candle on your bedside table and huddled underneath your blankets. You opened your sketchbook and pulled out your pencil. You flipped through the pages that were full of sketches of animals, titans and even people you knew. There was a repetitive amount of sketches of a specific dark haired boy.

After finding a blank page, you touched the tip of your pencil to the paper, thinking about what you wanted to draw. But only the most beautiful imagine came to mind.


You ran out of the barracks while pulling your Scouting Legion jacket on, sketch book in hand. You were late for your training with the Section Commander. In a rush, you accidentally bumped into another Scout making you lose your balance. You looked up to quickly apologize before continuing but a familiar face stood before you.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n), I guess I didn't see you there." Bertholdt apologized. "Where are you off to in such a rush?"

"I-I'm sorry I gotta go!" Embarrassed about bumping into the man, you ran off.

You entered the training grounds to see Hange with Moblit to their right. You bent over and rested your hands on your knees to catch your breath from all the running you did.

"Sorry I'm late, Hange-San." You said between breaths.

"Well good morning, (y/n). You look like you've been running laps all morning!" Hange chuckled. They placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Alright then, let's get to work!"


The hot water trickled down your body as you stood in the shower, the steamy air rose above the curtains and lingered around you.

       You turned off the running water and pulled the towel down that was hanging on a rack beside the shower. You wrapped yourself up in the towel and stepped out into the open bathroom. You grabbed your dirty clothes and walked to your barrack, leaving wet footprints on the cold floor.

       You sat down at the vanity in your room and brushed your (h/l) (h/c) hair in the mirror, your bare body only covered by your towel. Nice, hot showers were your favorite way to end off the day. A light knock on the door startled you.

       "Who is it?" You called. You continued to brush your hair waiting for a response.

       "Uhm... (y/n)? Can I come in?" A soft voice questioned from the other side of the door. You recognized the voice and tensed up.

       "S-sure... come in." You replied hesitantly. You rushed to make yourself presentable as Bertholdt opened the door slowly and peeked his head in. You saw him in the mirror and watched as his eyes landed on your seat. You mentally questioned for a minute but then realized. You had completely forgotten that you were naked under your towel. Your face flushed a deep red as you stared at Bertholdt. He looked up at you to see you staring and he immediately got embarrassed.

       "I-I'm so sorry, (y/n) I didn't mean to...." He trailed off. Almost as if he didn't want to admit that he was staring in such a perverted manner.

       "N-no, I'm sorry. This is pretty inappropriate of me to present myself like this." You felt embarrassed. You knew Bertholdt felt the same way but you couldn't help but like the way his eyes feel glued to your nicely shaped ass.

       "W-well I came to bring this back to you." He held up a small book; your sketch book. "I think it's yours." He murmured in an attempt to avert his eyes. Your face flushed red as you remembered what you had drawn in the book. Shit, I must have dropped it when I ran into Bertholdt earlier.

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