chapter two

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shun was shocked when he saw two boys wincing in pain on the ground. he also felt sick when he saw blood dripping down from one of the boys foreheads.

he couldn't do blood. blood was terrifying. and his very own blood had left his face.

the taller male who rested his arm around his torso to keep him up had noticed this.

"fuck, i'm sorry." he had a strange look in his eyes as he stared onto the gravel "they were gonna hurt you real bad, though."

although he hated blood, shun was relieved. it could've been his own blood, instead of the bruise forming around his eye.

he looked at the male holding him up. it was no other than the new student, aren kuboyasu. the jet black wings instincts were right, there was something special about him.

"holy crap, man! did you do this?" kaidou's eyes were shining in awe. this guys combat skills had to be amazing.

"well, uh," kuboyasu had stumbled "let's just say i've had a past."

"can you teach me?"

"maybe one day."

he reached his hand out. kaidou hesitantly shook it.

"aren kuboyasu."

"shun kaidou."


shun rolled onto his back on his mattress. the window open, the moonlight shun into the room. it had felt like such a long time ago since their first encounter, and now, they were closer than ever.

shun didn't feel lonely and weak anymore. aren was a sworn friend to him and made him feel more strong, on the inside at least. not a single soul had bothered to mess with the other half of aren kuboyasu, a former amazingly strong delinquent.

it was funny, really. nothing had complimented each other and their friendship more than their clashing personalities. one, insecure, immature, innocent small boy forming an alliance with a taller, hot tempered and violent but more matured boy.

shun finally turned his head to the side. next to him, lay the purple haired former delinquent, lightly snoring and also on his back. there was a pillow wall between them, because 'no homo', but still plenty of space for them to sleep comfortably. aren had a large bed.

it wasn't even that late, especially for aren and shun's sleepovers. he leaned himself up from the bed to look over aren and find the alarm clock on his bedside table.


with that movement came aren's stirring. shun jumped and laid back down quickly.


"mm?" the lighter haired boy teased. aren still had his eyes closed, so was slightly awake, but still felt like he would fall back asleep in a matter of seconds.

"shun. time"

"9:23pm. we took a nap after we got home from school, remember?"

the purple haired boy lifted himself up from the bed, bringing his hands to his eyes and rubbing them. he was shocked that the two had slept for five hours. his usual naps would take three hours.

"geez, man. if i sleep any more i'm going to end up oversleeping."

shun had been awake since eight thirty. he was wide awake thanks to his thoughts, and was glad aren woke up.

"what do you wanna do?" shun asked as aren fixed his bed head.

shun liked his hair messy. it had a small wave to it and looked extremely soft. but shun just liked a messy hair look in general. that's how he styled his own hair, after all.

"i got a new game two days ago. it was a hand me down from my cousin, but it looks pretty good." aren glanced towards his console and stood himself up, walking towards it. shun nodded and followed.

"wait. it's a fighting game. we don't have to play this one if you don't want to. it doesn't have blood graphics, from what i heard from my cousin."

shun still hated blood and brutal violence. but now he could tolerate it more.

"as long as it isn't mortal kombat." shun laughed. aren smiled and placed the cd into the console.

kaidou was really good at video games. you'd think his mother wouldn't allow enough time for him to play games at home and make him study instead. and that was true. but when kaidou laid his hands on a controller, they moved on their own. he didn't need much practice.

it made him feel powerful. oh, how he wished he could do the same things he could make these fighting characters do.

aren was also quite talented at video games, although, this was due to his experience. his parents never really cared about what he did with school, so he was pretty invested in video games in his free time. that was if he wasn't going to the arcade, getting ramen with nendou, hanging out with shun or attempting to cut loose ends with his past, of course.

aren won the previous round.

"i guess i'm just a god at this." he smirked triumphantly, eyeing shun from the corner of his eye for his special reaction.

shun would glare, do a little twitch with his eyebrows and slightly pout his lips outwards. as intimidating as the baby blue haired boy tried to look, aren found his reaction as cute as a playful puppy.

and sometimes that was why aren teased him so much. but nobody needed to know that.

"next round determines the winner. i'll show you, boy."

who the hell is he calling boy? aren laughed to himself.

they were on round three of the match. aren had won the first, shun had won the second. the third match was about to start.

three, two, one, fight.

shun's heart was pounding. he was extremely competitive when it came to things like this. if he couldn't win a fight in real life, he would at least like to be strong in an alternate way.

the two boys bashed their thumbs against the controllers, both concentrated on the screen in front of them. shun was just winning. if he kept blocking these attacks, he would just have enough time to land a special blow-


he missed a block. arens character continued to do a jab-jab-uppercut technique with no time for shun to block. time was running out. he was going to lose.

he had an idea. there were a few seconds left. if he was going down, he'd take kuboyasu with him.

with all of shun's strength, he launched himself at the boy.

"hey, what-"

aren landed on his back with a thud. the controller had fallen out of his hands, and shun's was where he left it.

"what the fuck was that for, shun?!"

game over. tie.

instead of smirking in triumph, the smaller boy was frozen. and soon enough, so was the taller one.

aren was pinned down. shun was on top of him, hovering over his face, his knees resting on each side of aren's torso. he didn't plan to land like this, in fact, he only planned to get the controller out of kuboyasu's hands.

aren was beet red. what the hell was kaidou doing?

"um, shun?"

that's when once again, kaidou's world was different.

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