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Keyword:  Soul-Charge

     Meaning : when soulmates stay together for a minimum four hours in order to replenish and rekindle their energy . Due to this ,soulmates can be away from each other for over a week.
It usually depends on the bond , whether its a normal bond or an intense bond.
This means that the normal the bond , the longer time that the soulmates can bear to be away from each other.(like the other six members)

And the stronger or intense the bond, the lessor the time that the soulmates are able to stay away from each other(as in the case of Yoongi and Soo Hin)

Hope u understand the explanation. If not,  tell me,I'll explain more.

Pls do not steal my concept !This SOUL-CHARGE word is mine, no one has it 😂 !I will be very upset if someone steals it.
So I wanted the books reads to reach 150 before I update a chapter. This time, I want it to reach 250 reads.
Thanks for the votes!


Yoongi snatches the comforter off his bed, he throws it away onto the floor, lifts up the pillows , checks under the bed and stands up.

He groans

This has gone on for over half an hour, he can't find his wallet.

He runs his eyes across his room.

Havoc is an understantment, his room now looks like there has been an internal earthquake, everything has been turned upside down or disorganized.

He sighs and runs a hand on his face , sitting on the bed.

He has,misplaced his wallet, it has so many important things.

And he's damn sure his credit card is there , in it.

This isn't the first time he has misplaced it.

He doesn't know if he should suspect Jin or not.

He is about to walk to the bathroom and search for it that when suddenly , something starts to vibrate in his pocket.

He pauses and fishes it out of his pocket.

He is sure its Jin .

Confusion crosses his facial features as a strange private number displays on his screen.

He doesn't know it and he's not gonna pick it.

From what he knows, he has stored everyone's number so a strange ID could mean the one from a fan.

Stranger danger .

When it stops to ringing , he tosses the phone on the bed and tries to walk away when it starts ringing again.

Yoongi glares at the phone , the temptation to pick up  is high , but then its a private number .

That means its no ordinary fan but a prominent person.

He's so caught up his internal debate and so he only snaps out of it when it stops ringing.

2 missed calls

He waits to see if the person will call again.

This time minutes pass, he's about to leave when suddenly , it starts ringing again.

Like lightning , he already grabbed the phone, sliding the green button up .

He hesitates before bringing it up his ears.

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now