chapter 6

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      We ended up not getting at do the party at work because boss man saw us having fun and snapped at us to do our work unless you want to get fired. This does not mean that it didn't happen. Immediately after work we went to the park. They had a huge goodbye sign that they put up and we hung out and ate cake. The party was over to soon and not to long after we said our last goodbyes and with the promise to text each other I left. When I got home I noticed that Inko had packed all my stuff and shoved it into the corner. Looking at it all in one place I noticed just how little it was. I quickly got money from my secret money stash (which had a lot from youthtube- I can't remember what I called it and I am too lazy to check) and grabbed the computer which she forgot to put in my stuff and with that I left home. 

      It was relatively late because of how long the party was but I didn't mind. I needed a place to sleep so I looked up some nearby hotels. After using google map to figure out where to go I figured out the fasted way to get there. I was opting for speed and didn't care that I was going through some weird alleyways. Just as I was going through another creepy spot I noticed a girl, very young by the looks of it, with long white hair. She was in a white hospital gown that looked as though it had been stained with blood. A guy appeared behind her which was weird because I didn't notice him before. The girl seemed like she wanted to get away from him as fast as possible which instantly made me on guard. "Don't mind my daughter, she seems to be fond of running away for no reason", he said in a falsely sweet voice that most people wouldn't notice but I did. People used fake sweet voices on me a lot to make me trust them and then try and hurt me or take something from me. Perks of being quirkless I guess.  The guy removed a tiny bit of his glove off and the little girl instantly moved backward. So his quirk has to do with his hands I thought. I did the next most logical thing. I grabbed the girl by the hand and ran. I didn't look back instead choosing to go down the weirdest paths for hours to make sure that we had lost him. The second I stopped running I leaned down to be face to face with the girl. "are you okay", I asked in a quiet voice as not to startle her. When she nodded I continued speaking, "my name is Izuku what is yours". She didn't respond so I gave her my notebook. "Do you want to write it down". She seemed to be debating her options before taking the notebook and writing something down. I took it back and looked at the name, Eri.



Sorry this is so short I wrote it pretty late. I also just realized that I forgot about his luggage so lets just pretend that he put it in the pocket world and it is still with him okay. Cool.  Bye you lovely cows. Oh wait what should I call you guys. If you have any suggestions please give me them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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