Hermione granger

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*4th year pansy's POV*

I slept the whole train ride I didn't feel like talking. Draco and Blaise tried to get me to speak but I just stared out the window.

In pansy's dorm
I've reread the book Hermione gave me to read so many times. She put some of her own quotes in here in the side parts I was completely in the zone of reading when I got a knock on my door.

"Kage did you forget your key again!" I yelled no one responded so I went to look and it was Hermione

"Hey sorry I was about to respond when you opened the door" she gave a nervous laugh

"Oh no it's cool what's up?" She got even prettier over summer "I just wanted to say hi"

Her brown guys where so addicting she stood at about 5'4 maybe and I was 5'7 her crazy brown hair made her look like a goddess no matter how big it was I was totally checking her out and she was scanning me too.

"How was your summer" I finally let out, it took her a minute before she said "oh! Um it was great how was yours" "it was good I guess" I said still holding eye contact with her.

I realized I still haven't let her in so I gestured for her to come in and she did, she went and sat down on my bed so I went and sat wit her

"Are you okay?" I asked she looked nervous and out of place "I'm great!" I looked at her she didn't seem sure "Hermione.." "fine fine I'm not okay" I wasn't trying to push it but I asked "if I may ask what's wrong" she looked at me with pain in her eyes "I'm scared for my parents" she too a deep breath "with everything that happens because of me being a wish I'm afraid something will happen"

I grabbed her chin and lifted it up so she was looking at me out faces only inches away

"As long as you are in their lives they will be safe you are strong and smart" I mumbled "and beautiful" I don't think she heard though.

"Pansy.." she looked deep in my eyes "Hermione" I said back still staring at her the tension between us was rising I didn't think all I didn't was smash my lips onto hers and she kissed me right back just as passionate I had one hand in her hair and the other on her thigh she had put in hand on my face and the other was in my hair I tugging on her hair just a little before I knew it she was licking my bottom lip asking for entrench I gladly let her in.

After a few minutes of our passionate make out session she pulled back to caught her breath I placed my head on hers so our foreheads where touching breathing heavy I got a smell of her perfume it smelled like strawberries and lemon it was a great mixture but her hair smelled like trees in autumn everything was silent all you could hear was our breathing tell she said

"Pansy I- I have to go" that's not what I wanted to hear "do you really have to" I said giving her puppy dog eyes "yes I- I do I'll see you later" then she ran out of my room.

Wow I kissed her I finally kissed Hermione granger the most beautiful girl in the world. Wait! I didn't know she liked girls was she bi or something I'm not even out as bi yet what the fuck. I need to talk to her I need to find her

"I'll talk to her tomorrow I need some sleep" i thought. My dreams were filled with nothing but her. Hermione Granger..

*Sorry this story was short but I hope you enjoy it, it's getting spicyyy*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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