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"Give the food you stole back!" I said to the twins but they just eyed me weirdly.

When she said she cooked those. I felt something inside me, something i couldn't name but it tells me that i should be the only one who can eat what she cooks.

I don't know what this feeling is. It irritates me but in the same time, it relieves my whole being.

I packed her bento up because the twins might eat everything in it, especially 'Samu. I want to strangle them both.

"How dare you eat this" I said and hugged the bento close to me.

"Ehhh, it's so good! share it with us you cruel man" Atsumu said that wanna make me punch his face.

He placed the bento box inside his bag and proceed on their practice. Atsumu complained of course.

After practice, Kita-san treated us in a café near our school. The twins fought in our way there and i am still irritated because of what they did.

We entered the café and it was not that busy, there's only a few people.

"Ah, it's great to enter here as a costumer" Akagi said and placed his bag on the seat.

"You work part-time here right?" Aran-san said and Akagi nodded.

"Yep, and i have a pretty cute co-worker here" He said with a smirk.

"She's super shy though, she doesn't really talk that much, i really want to be friends with her" He said and Atsumu let out a laugh.

"Ah, friends? i doubt that" Atsumu said earning a slap in the back of his head from Osamu.

They're such a headache. Aran-san tried to stop them but they didn't stop, when Kita-san spoke, they immediately sat straight and shut their mouths up.

"She's kind off familiar" Osamu said besides me.

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Who?" I asked and he pouted his lips, indicating that he was pointing on someone.

I followed the trail on where he is pointing and saw a girl. I squinted my eyes on her. Her back is facing us so i can't really see her face.

"Familiar?" I asked him again as i faced him. He nodded and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, i'm not that sure but i saw her earlier at school, behind the tree" He said and that made my heart beat fast.

Wait, could it be?

My eyes widen a little as i glance at her again. Her side profile is now facing me.

Could she be (n/n)?

"Who's gonna order?" Kita-san asked and before Atsumu volunteered, i slightly raised my hand.

Kita-san nodded and i walked to the counter. I want to see her up close. My heart was beating fast as i approach her in the counter.

I'm still not sure but seeing her give me the same giddy feeling whenever i texted (n/n).

"Welcome to Iyashi's Café" She greeted and smiled.

I nodded casually but heart was beating fast and i don't know why. My cheeks heated up and i looked at the menu above the counter. My hands was stuffed inside my pants because it was slightly shaking.

I already know what to order but i can't let her see the blush on my cheeks. How blushes randomly? I don't want her to think i'm weird.

Wait, why do i care if she thinks i'm weird?

Ah!! i really hate this feeling right now, i can't understand myself.

I told her my orders and accidentally locked gaze with her. I swear my breath stopped when my eyes was locked in her (e/c) orbs.

She was the one who broke the gaze and looked down her pad. Her cheeks tinted with pink hues.

Did she find me weird? Is she uncomfortable?

I want to slap my face for being weird.

"Name?" She asked while still looking down.

I want to say Rin, to confirm if she's really (n/n). I want to meet her but i remembered that she wants us to be strangers to each other.

I internally sighed and told her the name everybody calls me.

"Suna" I said and she immediately turned her back on me.

I don't know why but i felt a faint pinch in my chest when she turned her back on me. I couldn't understand myself anymore.

I also turned my back and walked to our table. Atsumu eyed me suspiciously.

"Why did you volunteer? You don't do that, Suna. Do you like the cashier?" He asked but i didn't answer him.

I just sat down and pulled my phone out of my jacket.

"No" I simply said and continue to scroll down my phone.




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𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑, suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now