enemies to lovers

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thatveganteacher-chan always hated meat-kun but it was because she actually loved him... 
*in school*

"Meat-kun, you're late AGAIN." said teacher (not thatveganteacher). "I'm sorry teacher, it wont happen" said meat-kun. *teacher is saying shit idk* (later) ((they have some project and meat has to work w thatveganteacher and they are at meats house))

"Your house looks NASTY! it doesnt have even one yummy plant........." said thatveganteacher-chan. "sorry mlady but i am ALLERGIC to plants......" answered Meat-kun and then they started working on the school project. some time passed and thatveganteacher-chan is horny 😳😳😎😎💀💀😨😨🙄🙄😸😸😸🙏🙏🙏🤣🤣😤😤😓😓😊😊😍😍🥰🥰

"M....meat-kun...." Said thatveganteacher-chan, heavy breathing
"Yea, thatveganteacher-chan?"
"What is your kink........?" asked thatveganteacher-chan
"...Promise me to not laugh...." Said meat-kun, emberresed
"I wont, i promise!!!" Said thatveganteacher-chan, damn she really is h*rny

"...i have VORE KINK....." said meat-kun, blushing
".....can I,,,,,,,, vore you?" asked thatveganteacher-chan, meat-kun nodded w his non existing head

And so thatveganteacher-chan vored meat-kun, but she didnt know shes allergic to meat and so they both died, lol poggers🙄🙄🙄😸😸💀💀✨✨😱😱👊👊😈😈🙂🙂😳😳😳🤣🤣

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