Chapter 3

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Rose Meri's pov
So apparently my brother had a guy living with him. His name is Matt. I'm surprised that he didn't tell me but I guess it never popped into the conversation like my violin. Shit I still have to tell him that AND that as of 2 hours ago I am auditioning for the junior symphony.

We walked into the restaurant and Edward went up to the front desk but right when he got up there we heard a guy say Edwards name so we all turned around.

When I turned around I say a blonde headed dude with the bluest eyes I've ever seen, he wasn't really tan but he wasn't white as a ghost. Bottom line he was beautiful (I know it's weird to call a guy beautiful but hey it is what it is)

We walked over and I didn't take a seat I stood in front of the booth waiting to be introduced. "Hey man what's up?" Edward asked doing a little handshake. "Nothing much, who's your friend?" He asked looking right at me. "This is my sister, Rose Meri and her friend Violet." he said motioning towards us. "I didn't know you had a sister and a beautiful one at that." he said with a wink, did he really just do that?

We sat down and ordered our meals. I sat next to Violet because I didn't want to make Violet sit with Matt and I didn't won't to sit by Matt because I only just met this man. After we got our food we decided to go back to the beach house so me and Violet could rest.

~~~~~Back at the beach house~~~~~
"Well do either one of you want a glass of wine." Matt asked as we all sat down in front of the tv, "No thank you I'm good, Violet do you want some?" "Umm, sure I'll try some." Violet said sitting right next to me on the cold leather couch.

"So, do you ladies want to go walk on the beach?" Edward asked standing up from the recliner. "I would love too." Violet stated standing up and reaching a hand out for me to to grab. "Sure I can go for a walk." I said while being pulled up by a surprisingly strong Violet. "Matt do you want to go for a walk with us?" Edward asked. I am not going to lie I kinda don't want him to come because this way j can ask Edward about him. "Oh yea that sound perfect," he paused and then looked at me "especially right now since the sun is setting its." "Very romantic." I stated finishing his sentence "Yea." he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Ok then, let's go." Edward said basically running out the door dragging Violet with him leaving me too walk to the beach with Matt. I really hope he want say anything to me because I know I would say something completely stupid lie 'nice weather we're having' ugh I am terrible at conversing with people besides Violet and Edward and it's still hard to say it to them.

We got down to the beach and I finally caught up with Edward and Violet.

"So when did you move in with Edward?" I asked hoping to start a conversation with Matt. "About a year ago." Matt said dragging his feet in the sand. "Well, I think it's good that my brother doesn't have to live alone." "So how old are you again?" "I am about to turn 19." I stated holding back my grin as he wanted to get to know me a little more.

"What?" He asked with a smile on his face "huh?" I asked tilting my head up to him because he towers over me. "Why did you smile when I asked you how old you were?" He said as we came to a stop "I don't know I guess no one has ever really asked about me in any way, oh my gosh I can not believe I just said that, in sure you didn't want to know that." I said looking down at my feet. " Look at me," he pulled my head up with his hand making me look at him "I want to know as much about as I can." "Why?" I asked kinda laughing "Because you seem very interesting and I think you have a lot more to you than meets the eye." And in that moment I just sorta melted inside.

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