Chapter 40

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This month the twelfth is the birthday of my young master. Taking this opportunity, the adults specially invited the squires and young talents of Dongjiang County to have a meal. He also invited Master Shen to enjoy his face."

Before leaving, the housekeeper gave Shen Yanbei the invitation for the birthday banquet, and Shen Yanbei took it and sent them out in person.

The butler smiled and politely refused to send him away, turned around to Lijiacun, and handed the invitation to Li Yi.

In Li's house, the heads of the villages who were going to attend the Shen Yan Beiguan ceremony were all sitting in the hall, looking at each other. On the subject, Li Yi drank tea slowly and did not speak.

The head of Lijia Village, who was sitting in the first seat on the left row, coughed lightly: "Today, I asked everyone to come over to ask about the financing of the villages to build public schools. Which villages have collected all the money?"

The chief frowned slightly: "Didn't you say that you will raise funds for a month?"

"Juren just wants to ask you if you have any difficulties that need to be resolved." The village chief of Lijiacun smiled. "For example, some ignorant villagers are unwilling to do this, or some people are making trouble... …"

As soon as these words came out, the village chiefs who were called to sit idle for half an hour dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. Today is the joyous day of Shen Xiucai's crowning of Shenjiacun. The other party prepared a banquet to entertain them, but they were about to go out. Someone from Lijiacun came and said that Li Juren wanted them for something important.

The other party said it seriously, they thought it was something urgent, but they went to Li's house to have a look, hey! Everyone is here!

No, I didn't call everyone here, the head of Shenjiacun was not there!

I asked again, it was actually for such a thing, and it happened to be today. This obviously prevents them from attending the ceremony of Shen Xiucai!

I heard that Shen Xiucai committed the crime of theft in front of Li Juren on that day. He wanted to come to Li Juren for revenge!

Everyone sighed. On the one hand, they sighed that Li Yijue would be reported, on the other hand, they were glad that they did not offend Li Yi.

As he was talking, the servant of the Li family came to report that the county magistrate's housekeeper had arrived.

Everyone was stunned, and Li Yi got up to meet him.

The butler glanced at the curious village heads and handed the invitation to Li Yi with a smile.

"Butler Lao has gone, why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea?" Li Yi holding the invitation was surprised and happy. Last time I went to the county office, I didn’t see the county grandfather and thought that the county grandfather would not wait to see him. I didn’t expect the housekeeper to invite myself this time!

The village chiefs looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw shock in the eyes of the other party.

The county magistrate values ​​Li Juren so much...

"You are polite, I have to go back and reply to the master, so I won't bother."

Li Yi personally sent the housekeeper out: "I don't know what the little son of the county magistrate likes? I can back up the gift."

The butler smiled and said, "Limited to courtesy and sentimental, as long as the heart is satisfied."

Li Yi nodded, and when the housekeeper left, he walked in the door leisurely with his hands. The village chiefs who were silent just now immediately stated that they would hand in the money within the agreed time limit. Li Yi sat back in the main seat, took the tea lid and dialed gently: "Thank you, everyone."

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