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Arnav got down from his car, he gazed at the sun and sighed. Immediately the receptionist heard his footsteps she freezed.

AR was a little bit noisy but when they heard ASR'S footsteps,the hall became quite like a cemetery. He didn't even acknowledge their presence and just past by with an emotionless face.

He got to his office and started his work, he needed an assistant but anyone who works under him doesn't make it up to a month.

He engrossed himself into work till he heard a knock.

"Come in." His voice held power . The door opened and new faces he hasn't seen was staring at him with fear. They knew the power he held, any little mistake, your name it's debt: I meant you are fired.

"Who are you? And what the hell are you doing in my office? If you needed something why didn't you go to Aman?" He barked and they shivered, he doesn't like it when someone do not follow the right criteria to meet him.

"We are sorry sir, it was urgent." The one leading them spoke.

"I would listen to you but mind you, if it's bullshit you are done with your job, do I make my self clear?" He said looking straight at his eyes.

"Yes sir." He said inhaling and exhaling. Arnav looked at the other two young ladies.

"Go on." Arnav whispered

"Sir please we work at the cafeteria at AR, the restaurant that it's supposed to supply us with food claim that you pay them little and so they had no choice but to give us poor quality food and when we complained to them, their manager said they would see us. But we thought it was a joke, this morning we found out that they took us to court stating we did a bridge of contract and we didn't pay them what we deserve." He spoke , looking at Arnav who had a frown on his face.

"When did this all happened?" Arnav asked fisting his hands.

"Three weeks ago sir. We thought we could handle it and we didn't want to disturb you until it got out of hands that we decided to inform you." The man spoke.

"What's your name?" Arnav asked. The man was surprised.

"Sir Raghav Mehta." He spoke and arnav nodded.

"Mr Mehta, call the owner of the restaurant, tell him your boss needs him right now to settle the issue, tell him when he gets to the receptionist,he should say Arnav Singh Raizada called him." Arnav ordered and the man did, the other two where silent observers. Mr Mehta did what arnav told him.

"You all should be seated, you are not planning to be standing till he comes." Arnav said and they sat.

"Aman give me the information of the restaurant that supplies the employee lunch, everything details and send it to me through my email." Arnav ordered through the phone.

"Yes sir." The call was disconnected, the trio where all confused, why would he need his information.

45 minutes later

They all heard a knock and Arnav smirked, the trio shivered in fear.

"Come in." Arnav said authoritative

The man came in smiling,he had no idea what it's installed for him.

"Hello Mr Raizada." The man greeted.

"So why in the world did you refused to compensate us ,now that I have taken you to court you are calling me." The man smirked and arnav laughed.

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