Somethings off

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(Third person POV)

Ayano made her way towards her bedroom where (Y/N) waited, Ayano had no idea what she would do with her clothes being covered in blood. She opened the door and poked her head in, "Hey (Y/N)!" Ayano said happily. (Y/N) turned around to face the door.

"Hi Yan-Chan! Why are you not coming in?" (Y/N) said confused. "Oh I'm going to take a shower and I need a change of clothes" Ayano said smiling. (Y/N) nodded and handed her a pair of sweat pants and a shirt. "Thank (Y/N)-Chan~" Ayano sang as she shut the door behind her and heading to the bathroom.

(Y/N)'s POV

I smiled as Ayano left and I looked around her room, it was small but cozy with the yellow rug in the center which made the room seem small than it was. You opened a drawer and found a picture book, you opened it to find pictures of you through out your day at school, your walks home. You put the book back your eyes wide with fear and worry, why would Ayano have pictures of you? Is she a stalker? No that's crazy! She's Ayano she would never stalk me! Maybe she likes me? Your head was filled with ideas and worry as she sat back on the bed closing your eyes trying to get the thoughts to stop flooding into your head.

(This chapter was short but I'm getting back into the swing of things! I hope y'all enjoy the chapter cause tomorrow the real fun begins :3)

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