Prologue: A New Story Begins

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Author's Note: I might be having mistakes on writing so cut me some slack. Anyways, enjoy reading this book! I hope you guys would like it.

UA Dormitory

Everyone are having a good vacation, and so does the well known boy Izuku Midoriya, who is just staying in his room at the dormitory because he said to his friends that he needs to improve his quirk even though it's the day where everyone can rest and have fun. He is in his room, still wearing his hero suit because he kinda got a permission to wear it from his teacher and he trainer at the training grounds to improve One for All. And right now, he's here sitting on his bed.

Izuku: Just like what I've learned from All might, I just need to use 8%, then increase it at the moment of releasing it. *sighs* Maybe I'm overworking myself... All might said that I could just rest myself but it feels like I don't want to.

He said while he thinks of what to do on his vacation. He really wants to have vacation with his friends but something just doesn't feel right for him, as if something bad is going to happen while they're on vacation.

Izuku: I think I'm being crazy, maybe I should just get a drink to refresh myself.

Midoriya stood up and walked to his door. When he opened it, he saw something shocking. A weird green sphere has appeared in front of him as he opened the door.

Izuku: Wha...What is this? A green ball shaped thing? Should I touch it?

Midoriya tried to touch the green ball shaped thing. This made Midoriya regrets his decision as the green ball swallowed his hand and he panicked as he tries to pull his hand away but it was too late, the ball was pulling him into it.

Izuku: *grunts* One for All Full Cowling!

He activated One for All as he used his strength to pull himself out, only for the ball to pull him back harder as he was now fully swallowed by the green ball. Little did he know that this ball will change his life and will send him to another world.

In Another World...

Somewhere, a castle can be seen as a sound of a bell ringing can be heard. A pink haired girl just woke up from her sleep as she yawns and heard the bell. She went to prepare herself as she wear her attire that seems to make her look like a mage as she grabs her wand and head to her class.

Chevreuse: Everyone, congratulations on becoming second year students! My name is Mrs. Chevreuse, and I'm a new teacher here at Trysting Magic Academy. My element is earth. My nickname is the Red Earth Chevreuse, I'll be giving lectures on earth magic this year. So, can anyone tell me what are the four basic elements?

The teacher named Chevreuse asked her students as one of them raised his hand while holding a rose on it.

???: Ah, yes. Fire, water, earth, and wind. And what a coincidence, my element is earth just like yours, Missus. My nickname is the Bronze Guiche de Gramont. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

A boy named Guiche said as he tries to look glamorous.

Chevreuse: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Gramont. Earth is an important magical element, since it governs the creation of all things. And to make you understand that, I'll start out by having you all mastering alchemy.

She said as she puts three small rocks on the table and pulls out her magic wand.

Chevreuse: Lel, in, yan.

The rocks started to shake and glows brightly as it turned into brasses and everyone were awed at the sight. A red haired girl with dark skin got interested at the sight.

The Hero of Zero (Izuku Midoriya x Familiar of Zero)Where stories live. Discover now