of fine wine and turned-back time

201 11 13

Hoseok hears the telltale click! of the door to his apartment unlocking. He's sitting on his grey sofa, scrolling through SNS with his black-framed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He looks up, pockets his phone, and smiles warmly at his boyfriend.

"Happy New Year, Hoseokkie-hyung," Changkyun says as he discards his coat and toes off his shoes by the door. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner."

Hoseok grins with mock coyness and pulls Changkyun into his arms. "It's not a New Year, yet, Kyunnie."

Changkyun, removing his face from the crook of Hoseok's neck, arches a brow. "It's nearly one in the morning, the others and I have been finishing up at MBC Gayo Daejejeon for hours."

Hoseok hums and sways, swinging Changkyun with him. "That's not what any of the clocks here say."

Changkyun grins. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing!" Hoseok plays with feigned absurdity. "I can't believe you think I've done something for my boyfriend whom I love and adore."

Changkyun doesn't pry, but shoots Hoseok a knowing look that says "I'm onto you . " Changkyun pries himself out of Hoseok's comforting grasp, and begins to settle back down in the comfort of Hoseok's apartment.

"Go ahead and wind down," Hoseok requests with a gentle hand on the small of Changkyun's back. "I have to take care of something real quick."

"You're definitely up to something," Changkyun decides and nudges Hoseok off to wherever he needs to be. As he scurries off, Changkyun stands and wanders to the kitchen, where he tends to leave his phone on a charger when he's around. He's a little hungry, and considers raiding Hoseok's fridge for a late-night snack. As he reaches for the stainless-steel handle, the clock perched over the sink catches his eye. It reads 23:41 PM.

Changkyun's brow furrows. It's nearly one in the morning on January 1, 2021. That clock reads 23:41, December 31, 2020. He slips his phone out of his pocket. 00:41, 1 January 2021.

Is this what Hoseok was getting at when he said all the clocks said it wasn't a new year yet? He turned them all back an hour?

"Kyun-ah!" Hoseok calls, and it sounds like it's coming from the bathroom. "Can you come here, please?"

Changkyun plugs his phone into the charger lying on the kitchen counter before sleepily ambling off to Hoseok. As he nears the bathroom, the air grows sweeter with a fragrance he can't place, and it feels warmer. The lights are off, but a dim, cozy glow peeks from below the closed door.

Hoseok's voice emanates from directly behind the door. "Please come in."

Carefully, Changkyun places his hand on the sleek doorknob and turns it, opens the door, and promptly feels his heart swell with unceasing adoration.

Candles are lit all across the room, all in Changkyun and Hoseok's favorite intermingling scents. Rose petals of violet, red, and white litter the floor, leading a trail to Hoseok's large bathtub. Steam rises from the warm water, filled with more petals. A sleek wooden stand was placed over the edges, holding two glasses of -was that Changkyun's bourbon from his studio?- and an array of finely cut fruits, cheeses, and biscuits. An iPad sits in a divot on the board, Netflix on and ready to play the next episode of the drama they've been watching together. Hoseok stood beside the door, smiling softly and holding all the stars in the sky and all the love in his heart in his honeyed gaze. His crimson velvet robe was draped over his shoulders, and he held Changkyun's soft lavender one over his arm.

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