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The now de-transformed Sailor Guardians, Mamoru, Luna, and Artimas, met up with the de-transformed Sailor Star Lights and their Princess on top of the high school building roof. Usagi asked, "Do you all really have to go so soon?"

Seiya told her, with a nod, "Afraid so. The people may have been restored when the Star Seeds were freed, but the planet itself was still damaged and they are going to need us to help rebuild it."

Taiki then jumped in, "We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but you have our thanks and our apology."

Haruka told them, "Well, we didn't always make it easy to get along with." Michiru clutched her lover's hand and gave her a smile.

Yatan added, "And thanks to you all we can finally go back home, with our Princess."

Luna, from atop Ami's shoulders, said with a sparkle in her eyes, "I'll miss you, Yatan."

She replied, "Thank you, Luna."

The moon cat's eyes went even more love-struck, causing Artemis, from atop of Minako's shoulders, to shout in irritation, "Luna!"

The group gave a small chuckle, before Seiya asked, "And speaking of home, Chibiusa, will you be heading back to the future now?"

Chibiusa shook her head, "Not right away. I'm going to stay around the 21st Century a little while to make sure everything is alright." She looked up to her future parents, Usagi and Mamoru, who were right behind her and holding hands, and gave them a smile.

Princess Kakyu bowed, "We thank you Sailor Guardians of the Milky Way Galaxy for what you did."

The group turned and started to walk away, with Seiya turning back and saying, "Hey, Mamoru, take good care of her."

Mamoru tightened his hold with Usagi and said with confidence, "Always have, always will."

This caused the Starlight to smile before she and her team turned into their Sailor Guardian forms and flew up into space with their Princess as bright lights. As they left, Hotaru commented, "They're not just shooting stars anymore, they're true stars now." The group smiled as they watched them go.

Sometime later, while the full moon was out, Usagi and Mamoru were in the park overlooking the city, with Usagi having her arms wrapped around Mamoru's left arm. She began to pull down on his arm and asked, "Mamo, do you love me?"

He smiled down and replied, "Of course."

She then put on a fake pout, "Yeah, but how much?"

"More than life itself."

She smiled and the pair leaned in for a kiss. While they held the kiss, Usagi began to think, "I'm Usagi Tsukino. I'm a sixteen-year-old High School girl. I'm a little clumsy and a bit emotional, but I'm also the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and justice, Sailor Moon."

Ending credits photo montage:

(I translated the lyrics the best I could, so I apologize in advance if they're wrong).

Why can't I tell you all these feelings? It's so much easier when I'm dreaming. I think my brain is about to short circuit.

Usagi has fallen asleep while studying, causing Rei to get angry, Ami and Makoto to sigh, and Mina to laugh.

I really wish I could find the words and now I'm crying under the moonlight. I want to call you up, but it's midnight. What should I do with all these feelings? My heart is a kaleidoscope.

Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Mr. Toemo are taking Hotaru back to school shopping.

With the light of the moon to guide us, we'll be brought together by fate many times over.

The Starlights and Princess Kakyu are seen rebuilding their world.

Counting the twinkling stars in my dreams and so I wonder if it's a blessing. As if by fate, we were born on the same planet. Just like a miracle romance.

Usagi and Mamoru are going on a date, with the Inner Guardians, Luna, Artemis, and Chibiusa spying on them, much to Ami's insistence they don't.

So let us have another great weekend and I will pray it has a happy end. I'll still be here past, present, and future. Head over heels in love with you.

The Amazoness Quartet meet up and talk with the Spectra Sisters.

I can't forget the way you looked at me that day. When I met you the very first time.

The Tsukinos spend time together as a family, including Chibiusa.

Within this sea of stars in the night sky, I could still find you if I closed my eyes.

Luna and Artimas meet up and nuzzle with each other.

I love the way the world throws us moments, but we make our own destiny.

Rei and Yuchurio hold Rei's Grandfather back as he tries to chase after some beautiful ladies.

This miracle will always remain a mystery, cause once again, it leads me to you.

Chibiusa meets up with Helios again and the two share a kiss.

Counting the twinkling stars in my dreams and so I wonder if it's a blessing. As if by fate, we were born on the same planet. Just like a miracle romance.

Usagi is with Mamoru, but then the scene changes to include the other nine Sailor Guardians with them, alongside Luna and Artimas, as the whole group takes a photo together.

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