#1: Wishes.

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Make a list of 10 wishes. Once that is completed, pick one of them, and write a story about what would you do if that wish was granted.

1: My family to be safe from any harm.

2: Get an i-Phone.

3: That I could have my very own library.

4: That I could have a magical cleaning device, to clean my bedroom for me.

5: That I could go on a cruise.

6: That my friend Angela (or me...) could meet One Direction.

7: That I could go to The Magical World of Harry Potter.

8: That I could travel with my best buds, to places like New York, and London.

9: That my sister coulddo X-Factor, and get far enough for the world to see her, because she is that good.

10: To become a pretty good Author.

Story: (This one is lame, it's more like a persuasive writing thing for my parents. Your story doesn't have to be like this...so fair warning. Oh well.)

If I got an i-Phone you don't know how things could be different. I wouldn't have to use my moms minutes, using her wifi, and other stuff. Plus I wouldn't haveher phone all the time, she would actually be able to use it. I would be more social, which is a big problem for me. I would be able to tell my parents where I am, and make sure they know when I 'm coming home, so they don't have a cow. I could keep in touch with my sister better. I would be able to text my brother, to get a ride home. Instead of using the school phone. I would be happier, and things would be different, and easier if I had a phone.

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