sixteen - me and my shadow

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Climbing down the side of the house turned out to present a much more difficult challenge than climbing up. Contrary to his generally agile and graceful ways, Louis actually fell the last few feet to the ground, missing the thin ledge of the windowsill by no more than a few inches. He cursed under his breath, hoping that Harry's father (or Harry, who would probably break out in an uncontrollable fit of giggles if he realized the source of the sound) hadn't noticed.

A glance at the closed front door told Louis that Harry and his father were still inside, probably exchanging pleasantries with the alpha, and he took advantage of those brief minutes in the only way he could think of. He took off running down the crowded street, calling out apologies over his shoulder as he unceremoniously bumped into other pack members and vendors rolling out their carts for the afternoon.

For once, Louis was thankful that their pack was so small. All of the important families had houses on the main street, and he reached his destination in under two minutes. He took the porch steps two at a time, and he knocked firmly on the door five times in a row. When no response came after about ten seconds, he knocked again, so many times that he lost count.

"I'm coming! Bloody hell --" The door swung open to reveal a very annoyed-looking Liam.

Louis took a step back, giving his friend some personal space. "I need your help."

Liam leaned on the doorway as he studied Louis's face, crossing his arms over his chest. "This is about Harry," he guessed. "And the announcement."

"Of course it's about Harry," Louis snapped. He took a deep breath, trying to rein in his temper before it spiraled out of control. "He's about to leave his house with this fucking alpha, and I don't trust him."

Liam blinked dumbly. "You don't trust Harry?"

"No, no, of course I trust Harry," Louis backtracked, instantly realizing how confusing his rambling statement must have sounded. "I don't trust this alpha. I don't think he has good intentions, and I won't put Harry in danger on account of my father's useless attempt at peace."

Liam was already reaching behind the door for his jacket, hurrying Louis out the door. In this moment, Louis couldn't be more thankful that all of his friends were just as protective of Harry as he was -- even more so now that the younger boy had presented as an omega.

"What's your plan, then?" Liam asked as he followed Louis back toward Harry's house. The two walked with purpose, expertly weaving their way through the bustling crowds. "If you're caught, your father won't hesitate to punish you. And publicly, because he'll want to send a message. The other clans have him backed into a corner -- he'll do anything to protect this false sense of impending peace that he's created."

"Well, then we won't get caught," Louis responded confidently, causing Liam to roll his eyes. "It's not like I'm trying to stop the pairing -- not yet, at least. I just don't want this alpha to think that he can walk all over Harry just because our pack is relying on this arrangement. And if I have to rough him up a bit, then so be it."

"Any idiot could see how much you care for Harry," Liam pointed out. "If you even laid a finger on this alpha, the council would trace it back to you in a heartbeat."

Louis growled, low in his throat, and Liam held his hands up in surrender. The thought of being unable to keep Harry safe set his nerves on end, and his skin prickled with the heat of his rage.

But his anger didn't hold a candle to the emotions he felt at the pack meeting.

If the other boys hadn't intervened, forcing him to actually think through his actions, he probably would've sunk his teeth into Harry's father's neck until the man bled himself dry. And then he would've gone after his own father after that. No hesitation.

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