Chapter 1: In the beginning...

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The Legend of Dementia runs as deep as time and spaces do. Long before the creation of Dementia, two Storytellers known as Carlos and Yadiel fought it out for the Main Character, Gretchen, to star a role in their big story. Carlos wrote a world of possibilities and imaginative resolutions. Yadiel on the other hand kept his ideals straight and went for a story full of truth and reality.  Gretchen, after living both stories at the same time ended up choosing to make her own story and follow her ideals. 

Carlos and Yadiel both secluded to their respective Writing Towers and wrote for a future occasion. To this day, no other Cast Member has heard their callings. Some believe that they are dead. Others think that they are planning a form of otherworldy takeover. No one knows for sure when they'll strike back and make an upcoming. Or if one day their tombs in the shape of a writer's room will be uncovered. Time and stories could only tell.

Natalie: Well that kinda sucks... The hell happened to them? That can't be all she wrote.

Christian: Sadly it is, Nat. Nothing much we can do, though. It's only a legend. Nothing written as a "legend" is ever true.

Natalie: Nuh-uh. The Legend of the Hidden Temple is real, and you know it. We saw it on TV those few times when we were kids!

Christian: That's... hmmm...

Christian is stumbled on what Natalie, his sister, had to respond with.

Natalie: Hah! See? I knew I was right!

Natalie stood up tall and pumped herself up. Christian could only chuckle at the show she was making. Natalie pouted and sat down on her own, hand made, Stitch pillow.

Natalie: Either way... Why was she chosen? Did they both liked her or something?

Christian: It was said that they both did. But no one knows for certain. Others say that she was infatuated with Yadiel's story but just lost interest as well. It's complicated since we don't really know what they were thinking about.

Natalie: True...

They both looked up through the hole in their ceiling. The stars glimmered like never before. Natalie sighed and Christian returned her a concerned look.

Christian: What's up?

Natalie: Well, besides the hole in our ceiling, the stars are as well.

Christian: Very funny. You should be a comedian!

Natalie chuckled and laid down on the cold, messy floor.

Natalie: I wonder if I'd ever get called to be a Main Character someday. Live out a story, or at least get acknowledge by someone in this cursed world.

Christian: Is me knowing you exist not good enough?

Natalie laughed and looked at Christian.

Natalie: It is, and I really appreciate that you had stuck with me through our toughest times. Ever since our parents left us it had been extremely hard on us. We have no way to support ourselves but through free stories and with what the forest has to supply to us. I'm glad that you at least stayed with me during all this.

Natalie turns to a small, lit fireplace and gets comfortable while looking at it.

Natalie: I sometimes wonder if we'd have this kind of bond if they were still here, you know? I have no clue as to why, and I know you won't say, they left. But I genuinely hope that they are fine, at least. 

Christian closes the big, old book labeled "The Legend of Dementia" and sets it aside. He gets down to the floor facing the fireplace and gets comfortable as well.

Christian: Sometimes, is better not knowing certain things, you know.

Natalie: I at least I could see mom one more time...

Christian turns to look at Natalie as a single tear escapes her now watery eyes. He gets a blanket and wraps her and holds her close to himself. The room is left in an empty, quiet state as they both head to their rooms to sleep. They both wished each other good night as their room doors are softly closed. With nothing but silence, the room is left on its own. So any minuscule sound can and will be heard.

Upon Christian's room is him placing back the old book labeled "The Legend of Dementia" in no given order against the other ones. He notices a photograph that contains four people. Natalie in the front acting shy, himself standing proud next to her, and their two parents holding them together making a happy family.

Christian: Eventually I'll let you know, Natalie. It's just going to take some time.

Christian whispers that as he places the photograph back in its original place.

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