Chapter 2: Welcome to City Town!

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City Town. A place where it usually doesn't end up in chaos. Much of Dementia's land is overtaken by negativity. So most of the Cast Members stay in their own respective towns. I usually come down here for a number of reasons. To buy bread, see what there for clothes, and most importantly...

Ally: Hey, Natalie!!

Is to see Ally.

Ally: Guess what, guess what, guess what!

Natalie: Geez, calm down, girl. You'll make a show.

Ally: Screw that! Guess who is in town!

Natalie: Is it the traveling Storyteller?

Ally: Is the traveling Story-- wait, how did you know?!

Natalie: I'm psychic (I really didn't know).

Ally: Well let's forget that we should get our short story!

And with that, Ally dragged me away by the hand to see the traveling Storyteller.

In this world, a story usually means that you are fated to live it. If you read any form of a story recently written and only been read by you, you are destined to live it. It's kind of crazy, but after a while, you tend to get used to it and crave more. For me, I really don't mind a good story from time to time.

But about this traveling Storyteller, though...

Ally: Favi! Favi! Over here!

Favi The Feral King, or at least that's what he calls himself. He always comes around every so often to share his new stories with us Cast Members that don't get to be Main Characters. Is honestly kind of sweet of him. He does tend to think to be the best most of the time, but he is very nice and charming. He travels into City Town and other places with a specially built vehicle designed to ward off the negativity in between the places. Oddly enough, it's actually driven by wolves!

Favi: Ah! My two favorite girls in all of City Town. Ally?

Ally: Hi!

Favi: My sweetest, Naty?

I fluster and look away

Natalie: Hmm, hey...

Favi: Aw, why that cold shoulder? You know I just love to see you all flustered.

Natalie: Well there, you did. Happy now?

Favi: Very, actually, Nat Nat.

This dude... 

Favi: SO, I'd imagine you came for your short stories, correct? I have some special ones just for the two of you.

Ally: Natalie! You heard that?! Special stories just for us!

Natalie: You better not write some forceful romantic stuff like last time!

Favi: Whaaat!? But I would never, my little Stitch~

I fluster even more and squeeze the story a bit.

Natalie: You really know how to get me on my nerves...

Ally: Natalie! Your story! You know those are rare and special to come by for us.

I sighed and opened up the story Favi had given to me. It was oddly short compared to the other ones he had written to me before. It followed the story of a short, charming girl named Natalie (of course it would.) She went on countless journeys and met many new people. She fell in love and she had heartbreaks. She had hope and despairs. But at the end of the day, she went back to "Ol' Favi's arms."

Natalie: Wow, really?

Favi: I see you liked it.

Natalie: This one isn't really going to happen, I can feel it.

Favi: But, my dearest, how can you be so sure? You know the stories of any Storyteller comes true!

Natalie: Just because your past ones had come true doesn't mean that this one will. You know the walls around City Town are shrouded with negativity and no one without well-enchanted stuff can't get through. So how do you expect me to go on this journey just to return to "Ol' Favi's arms?"

Favi stood there and just pondered a bit. I may had been a bit harsh.

Natalie: Look, I like your story, but--

I looked up to see Favi almost breaking down in tears. I quickly groaned and gave him a hug.

Natalie: Who knows, there might be some way to go on this journey somehow.

And with those words, Favi sprung back to life.

Favi: Ah, mon ami! Such words bring light to my heart! I can't wait till you set off on your journey. I'll be awaiting you with open arms at The Citadel! 

And with that, Favi ordered his pack of wolves to rush him into the nest destination.

Something about his story, though, just didn't click with me. Why, of all the Cast Members, will I be the one to embark on some sort of grand adventure? Ally has a much better personality to be a Main Character and explore the world. If anything, I'll just be glad that I'm just a Cast Member. Fewer problems to deal with. Plus, if I go on a journey, what will happen to Christian?

I'm sorry, Favi. But unless something crazy happens, I'm stuck here.

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