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It was all crowded. Its always crowded, really...I mean, ya know, every time I dream it that is. People swarming the place. At least that's what I could see, there were these god awful florescent lights scattered across the ceiling. How could these people even see where they were going? Better question, where was I going? Or should I say who was taking me where? Aah yes. I was rolling someplace, in a bed. I think I was in a hospital...? Yes, yes, I must have been. What type of nightmare would this be with out a creepy crowded hospital being rolled someplace by an unknown roller rolling me down a hall way? Pushing my thoughts aside, I had bigger issues on my plate because next i was under a very round, very bright light. I looked around some more and saw two-three... maybe four blue masked doctors (by the looks of it) hovering over me. I start to get scared, but this time, instead of coming face to face with what was ahead of me... I actually woke up. In my bed. Safe and sound. I sit up quickly and get out of bed. I look on the wall next to my bed where the thermometer was. Man it was cold out. Than looking down at what I was wearing. Jeans, sneakers, tank-top and my old All Time Low jacket. I guess I was too tired to take my shoes off last night... Weird. I walked out of my room and started down the hall. The house seemed to be strangely abandoned, considering my older sisters weren't in their bedrooms, and I didn't hear my mom vacuuming the living room (which she did every morning before school) crap...school, its Monday. I must have slept in, they probably left without me. So I booked it down stairs reaching for the door- when I heard sobbing coming from the living room.

" mom?"  I called out. No answer. "Hello??" Still no answer. I walked slowly to the living room to see my mom, crying about something. Which is when I noticed her talking on the phone with someone:

" the surgery was a fail the tumor was too far gone. No, I haven't told them yet, I sent them to school. I'll talk to them when they come home. She's dead! Okay? That's not something you just tell your children right away! Listen Gloria, I don't know when Sammy's funeral will be, for godsake's! It only happened last night!" She hung up. I'm...what? What did she mean 'Sammy's funeral' ??? I'm Sammy! And I am not dead! I'm just a 15 year old girl, I SHOULDN'T be dead.

" Mom! Mom! Its me I'm right here! Come on! You don't think that right?!" She can't hear me. I reach forward to touch her arm. It felt like I was touching smoke. There was no area to actually touch. So like any other teenager - I freaked.


I ran out side.think, think, think. I am not going back there.. for now , anyway. I looked around the neighborhood, trying to think of a place to go for now. Wait, forgot, no friends. Not here anyway. Everyone moves. Apparently Oregon isn't that great. Well next option would be. School. Were my sisters are. So I started running. 

*Trip.* Ouch. I get up. Running.

*Trip again.* That's it! I get and become light headed.

"whoa. I'm more out of shape than I thought I was. Let's see..." I start thinking. " if I am actually some sort of ghost, than I should be able to transport like Danny phantom. At least I think so." Concentration  "school think of school"...nope. considering the fact that it might work, I put two sets of fingers to my temples like professor X. Nope nothing, I probably look really dumb right now. Think some more... aha! My bike! I race home while tripping constantly, and skipped towards the garage. 

*Trip.* "Ughh!" I stand up and slowley walk towards the door. I reached down for the handle. But like earlier, nothing but smoke. " you have got to be kidding me!" All of a sudden I feel my self being dragged by my waist somewhere. " what? Wait! No! Where am I going!?" One minute I'm being almost dragged, the next thing I know, there's some surt of rubber band effect and I'm snapped somewhere way different than my house. School. "Hey, it worked, kinda..."  no one heard me. Like they usually do. I stood at the back of the class.

" Sammy- sammy Jane, absent." My teacher said.

" hey, no I'm not!" Silence " oh, ya" well now I have to go find my sisters. I started walking toward the front of the room and past Mr. Greenlin. I trieed opening the door, but failing so i thought: hey why not walk through it? So thats what I did. And it actually worked... cool.


Our school wasn't a very big school, it held, maybe 200. For the high school that is. I headed down the hall, and only tripped maybe once or twice. (still getting used to my dead legs) I started looking in the little windows of each door to try and find them.

" nope, na-ah, no, not there eaith-oh wait, yup!" I found my sister Elle ( who was a junior) in Mrs. Matthews class studying. I slipped through the door and made me way toward her.

" Elle! Can you hear me!!" No response. " wow this is getting annoying" I left. Since I can't actually speak to them I'll just check on my other sis and leave. I searched for her and found her in room nine. I don't know the teacher, but he teaches the senior history class. Amy. The oldest, was talking to some friends in the back of the class. A sigh of relief seeing her alright. As I turned the bell rang really loud. I jumped. Than fast walked the best I could as kids came out. 

'Hey I'm not doing this walking thing too bad now.'I thought. Spoke to soon. 

*Trip.* " OH MY GOD! not again! I just had it too!" Before I could get back up I heard:

" whoa! Are you okay?" I looked around quickly.

" hmm?" I turned to see a scruffy haired boy looking at me like I was a hurt puppy dog. Wait a second.. " you, c-can see me?!" I asked in wonder.

" uummm, yeaaa." He said  trying to help me up. " I know what you are too." 

...Okay then...

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